Page 27 of Mistaken Desire

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“I can talk to IT. I know that we have ways to block certain websites in the office. It’s a temporary fix because once this starts to spread, there won’t be any way to hide it. We can’t block everything.”

“Let’s do that. Talk to IT. In the meantime, I will call Amanda. Maybe I can talk some sense into her. And if not, I will threaten her with our lawyers. If she thinks that I’ll lie down and let this happen, she’s even crazier than I realize.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” Dax winces. “If you call her and threaten her, she may do something in retribution. I would be cautious.”

“I can handle her.”

After Dax leaves, I spend several minutes seething. Calling Amanda when I am this furious is not the best idea. I’m still in disbelief that she could do something like this. I’ve never wanted to punch something, or someone, as much as I want to right now. I get up from my desk and pace back and forth, hoping to come up with a way out of this situation. Failing to find a solution, I sit back down and pick up my phone.

Knowing it’s a terrible idea doesn’t keep me from finding Amanda’s name in my contact list. I click her name, almost hoping that she doesn’t answer as the phone rings. Considering she rarely answers my calls, there’s a good chance this call will be ignored like so many others.

Unfortunately, luck isnot on my side.

“Babe! I was hoping you’d call. I knew you’d miss me,” she practically purrs.

“Amanda, I saw the article.”

I’m barely holding in my rage. It’s bubbling on the surface, just waiting for an opportunity to get out. I can’t let Amanda know how I feel, though. She can’t get the upper hand in this conversation. There is no telling how she will respond if I let my control slip.

“Oooh, sweetie. Don’t be jealous. That man who was with me in the photo, he’s just one of the photographers. There’s nothing going on between us.”

“Have you lost your mind? You think I care if you’re screwing your photographer?” I burst out.

“I think you care very much. That’s why you called me so quickly after the article was released. Look, I’m willing to overlook your little slipup with the slut. It happens. But once we’re married, you won’t be able to do stuff like that.”

I have to count backward from ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. It’s not working. I’m about to lose my shit on this woman.

“I need you to call up that tabloid and have them remove the article.” I clench my teeth so hard that my jaw hurts.

“Oh, I can’t do that, Jakey. You know what they say. There’s no such thing as bad press. Plus, they paid me a lot of money for that article.”

“Lana and I didn’t sleep together. Everything you put into that article is a lie. How do you think that will make you look when the truth comes out?”

I realize that trying to reason with a crazy person is most likely a waste of time. But I need to at least try. For Lana’s sake. For my sake. For the company’s sake. I can only imagine what my parents will say when theyread this article. My dad will be furious that I brought the company into the spotlight like this.

“Sweetie, you aren’t fooling anyone with your proclamations of innocence. And anyway, I told you I forgive you for sleeping with her. I know that you are a man, and you have needs. It’s partially my fault, anyway. I know how much you enjoy sex, and I’ve been so negligent of you lately. But that’s all going to change from now on.”

“I want you to listen closely,” I grit out. “You will have the article taken down. Immediately. I’m not asking.”

“I like it when you use that rough tone with me. Kinda turns me on. If I have the article taken down, what will you give me in return?” she asks smoothly.

She’s baiting me. If I resort to threats, there is no way that she will back down. What’s that saying about honey? Something about catching flies? Since my current tactic is not working, I’ll need to try something else.

I hate what I’m about to do.

“Mandy, I have to tell you something,” I confess, dropping my voice as though I’m telling a secret. “I saw that photo of you and your photographer and went crazy with jealousy.” I almost choke on the lie.

She laughs, a trilling high-pitched sound that grates on my nerves.

“I knew it, sweetie. I understand. It’s the same feeling I got when I saw you in the hotel room with Lonnie.”

“Lana,” I correct her before I think better of it. Amanda knows her name, her entire name. She gave it to the writer of the article.

“Whatever her name is, Lonnie, Lana, fiancée stealer, whore,” she snaps. “It doesn’t matter. We have too much history together to just throw it away like this. I was so mad at you for trying to break up with me. But if you are ready to apologize, then I’m ready to listen.”

I swivel my chair to look out the window at cars far below. My mind is a whirl, trying to find a way out of this problem. Amanda is smart. I need to tread lightly with her.

“Of course, I need to apologize, Mandy. That’s what I’m trying to do. I’m so sorry for what I did to you,” I say in the sexiest voice I can manage. She loves it when I call her Mandy. “I hope you can forgive me.”
