Page 34 of Mistaken Desire

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I wish he would make my heart race wildly when we’re together.

I wish my insides would turn to mush whenever I think about him.

I wish that I would dream of him when I sleep.

I wish for all of these things. But there is only one man that does this for me. And he’s not here, and that man can never be mine.

Sighing, I look up at the man that I want to love. He deserves someone that will give him their whole heart. Someone who ignites a passion within him.

“I’m not really hungry,” I reply inanely.

My mind is in a frenzy as I search for the right words.

“Dominic, we need to talk,” I start. Unsure of how to continue, I look at my fingers resting on my lap.

Sitting forward, he doesn’t look at me. He senses my hesitancy.

“No,” he says finally. “Don’t say it.”

“Dominic, you know this isn’t going to work between us.”

“I told you not to say it,” he says sorrowfully. He shakes his head. “No, I’m not going to accept it. We’ve barely seen each other in the last month. We haven’t even had a chance to let this work.”

“It’s not going to work,” I tell him again. “You feel it, too. I know you do.”

Dominic turns to me, a stubborn look on his face. At that moment, I know that he isn’t going to accept defeat easily. “I know exactly what I feel for you. I’m in love with you. And I think you’d feel the same if you gave it a chance.”

“You don’t even know me!” I exclaim. “We were together a million years ago.”

“And we were happy!”

“I know.” I nod in agreement. “But sometimes you can’t go back to where you were. We are different people now. You deserve to be with someone that can make you happy. That person is not me. We are trying to make puzzle pieces fit, but they just don’t.”

An uncomfortable silence follows. I don’t know what else to say to him to make him understand. He looks lost, and my heart wrenches for him. Some girl will be very lucky to snag him, but it won’t be me.

“Is this where you tell me that you just want to be friends?” he asks, an edge to his voice.

“Well, yeah, I was kinda hoping we could be.”

“Okay, fine. If that’s what you want.” He grabs my hand and pulls me to stand up with him. So shocked by his easy acceptance, I don’t pull away when he puts his arm around me and pulls me in for a sweet, slow kiss. And I don’t pull away when he deepens the kiss and pulls me tighter. Seconds later, he pulls back and looks down at me with heavy-lidded eyes. He takes my hand and kisses my fingers.

“This is not where our story ends, Lana. You’re wrong about us. About this.”

“I’m not wrong. You just don’t want to see it. You want to go back to the past, but I can’t do that.”

“Can you honestly say that you don’t care for me even a little?” Dominic pleads.

“Dominic, I will always care about you. I want you in my life. But it can’t be in the way that you want. I hope very much that we can still be friends.”

“There’s someone else,” he says matter-of-factly.

“Yes, there’s someone else.”

Finally, that seems to get through to him. He processes my words for a few moments, a small frown on his face. It pains me to see him hurting like this, and I want to reach out to him to offer some comfort.

But then, he seems to come to a decision.

“I’m a patient man. I will wait for you as long as I need to.”
