Page 4 of Mistaken Desire

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Liz looks down at her desk and shuffles some papers. Then she starts picking at her fingernails and looking uncomfortable as she shifts in her chair. Something seems off with her all of a sudden, but I’m not sure what it could be.

“I’m not sure. Maybe because I’m your assistant,” she hedges. She looks up at me, and I notice that her face has a pinkish tinge to it. She seems almost embarrassed for some reason. “I think he was scared to call you. He said he won’t be in on Monday or Tuesday.”

Liz’s bizarre behavior has me a bit stumped. Liz and Ethan don’t really know each other very well. Ethan rarely comes up to my office, and Liz generally keeps to herself. I find it strange that he called her instead of me. And the way that she is reacting to my questions is out of character for my usually direct and well-spoken assistant. Maybe she just didn’t want to deliver this news because she’d know how irritated I’d be.

And yes, I am irritated by this news. My brother Ethan is the youngest of our trio of brothers. I’m the oldest, next is Dax, and then my baby brother, Ethan. Ethan is also the most irresponsible of the three of us. When he bothers to show up to work, he gets things accomplished. However, getting him to come to work can be a challenge. There’s no doubt that he is scared to call me since he’s been avoiding my calls and texts. I’m not always known for having a calm demeanor, especially with my brothers. But I’m curious why the message came through Liz instead of Ethan just texting me directly, as is his usual course of action.

This is supposed to be a family business. Though my parents put me in charge of the company, my brothers are expected to be running it with me. Dax works hard and puts in the time. I can count on him. However, Ethan is constantly shirking his responsibilities. Lately, I can’t seem to count on him for anything.

After thanking Liz for the message, I head back to my office. It looks like I need to have a talk with Ethan. I dread it because it always ends in an argument, which drives him away more and more. I love my brother, but he is putting me in an awkward position. Even though I am in charge, I still report to the board. They are aware of Ethan’s very noticeable absence from the office lately.

Chapter Three


I wake up to the insistent ringing of my phone alarm going off. Monday came way too fast. After spending the weekend shopping, getting my hair cut, and stressing about the impending job, I feel completely spent. It’s hard to summon up the energy to get out of bed. I can’t help but feel a sense of dread for my first day at work.

So many thoughts are running through my mind. Even though I lack the experience of running an office, I’m pretty confident I can figure things out. I’ve heard that Jake Anders can be difficult to work for, but I’ve no doubt that my people skills will come in handy. I’ve had demanding bosses before. How bad could he possibly be?

After a brief knock, my door bursts open. “Lana! How could you still be in bed?” Jess shrieks. “You need to get ready, or you’ll be late!”

I am so not in the mood for her energy this morning.

“Calm down,” I tell her. “I have loads of time. I don’t plan to get to the office any sooner than I need to.”

Jess rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips. “Get dressed, girlie. I made you breakfast.”

As Jess strolls off, I pull myself out of bed and slowly get ready for the day. Looking at myself in the mirror, I can see the dark circles under my eyes. My usual peaches-and-cream complexion looks a little paler today. Even though I rarely use makeup, today definitely calls for some armor. After applying a bit of concealer, blush, and lipstick, I check over my work. Not too bad. I almost look like my normal self.

Jess is putting our plates on the table when I walk into the kitchen. I realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing best friend. Even though she has doubts, she has stepped in and given me her support. And now she’s made me breakfast, too.

“Ready for the big day?” she asks.

“As ready as I can be.” I force a small laugh.

“Well, you look fabulous and ready to take on the world,” she says with a smile.

I look down at myself. She’s right. I do actually feel pretty good about my new outfit. My black slacks fit perfectly and almost seem tailored to fit me. My cream-colored blouse cost more than I want to think about, but it’s gorgeous and silky and feels so nice against my skin. It probably clings to my curves more than it should, but I love how I look in it. I’ve completed the look with black heels that are higher than I am used to wearing, but I had to have them as soon as I tried them on. It’s not often that I get to splurge on clothing, and these shoes make me feel just a little more confident.

“Thanks. And thanks for breakfast, too, Jess. However, I’m not entirely sure how you expect me to eat four pancakes, bacon, and eggs.If I eat all of that, I’ll pop right out of these pants. And did you need to use chocolate syrup to put a smiley face on my pancakes?” I laugh.

“Well, you better hurry and eat up, hun,” she says. “You took so long getting out of bed that you only have ten minutes to eat.”

I look at the clock and realize that she’s right. I better get going.

The drive to work is long, and I am already running late. I park in the dedicated parking garage and jog to the building. Taking a deep breath, I make my way up to the office. I refuse to let my nerves get the best of me. After all, I have a job to do.

But, as I reach the door to Liz Blakely’s office, I hesitate. Too many thoughts are getting into my head. It’s not too late to back out. I can still call Ms. Blakely and tell her that I’ve reconsidered. I’ll find a way to pay back the money for the clothes they’ve already paid for. This was a terrible idea. And I’m a terrible person for even thinking of coming here.

Decision made, I turn around to leave.

Unfortunately, just then, Liz Blakely opens the office door. “Lana?” Liz asks. “So great to see you today. The office is right over here.”

Ugh. I’m stuck. How do I get out of this?

I paste a smile on my face. “Ms. Blakely! Hi, thank you. So nice to see you, too. I’ve been looking forward to getting started.”

I follow Liz into her office. “Please, call me Liz,” she tells me. “And I’ll call you Lana. We are a small staff here, and we’ll be working closely together, at least for the time being. I will be training you this week, and then next week you’ll be on your own. I have no doubt that you will be ready by then.”
