Page 57 of Mistaken Desire

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“Okay, what?”

“Okay, well, we might need to talk about Amanda then. If you and Lana really are together, this is going to complicate things with her.”

I haven’t heard from Amanda in weeks. After the abrupt ending to our last phone call and the subsequent text from her, she hasn’t tried contacting me. At least the article is down. And since it was up for such a short period of time, it seems as though the press didn’t catch wind of it.

“I think she’s finally moved on,” I tell him. “After taking down the article, she hasn’t tried to contact me.”

“I don’t know, brother. A woman scorned and all that. If she finds out that you and Lana are dating, she’s not going to be happy.”

I have a sinking feeling in my gut that he’s not wrong.

I can only hope that Lana and I are able to keep our relationship to ourselves. It’s not as though she wants to share it with the world,either. Given how much we both like our privacy, keeping things quiet shouldn’t be a problem.

Chapter Seventeen


Liz and I go back to my office after the meeting. Liz just stares at me in disbelief. After she and Dax caught us practically making love against the wall, I know it’s no use trying to keep the secret from her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Having a relationship with my boss just sounds so icky when you say it out loud,” I cringe at my own words.

“Is that what it is? A relationship? Are you dating… or what?” She still seems shocked by the whole thing.

I hope I don’t lose her friendship over this. But I know what it looks like. Women hate women who do this type of thing. It’s like an unspoken rule. You don’t sleep with the boss.

“Liz, I don’t really know what it is. It’s really new. But I really like him. I just don’t know what to call it yet. We are in lust, I guess? When I’m with him, I’m happier than I have ever been,” I confess.

I can see that Liz doesn’t know how to take all of this in. She has worked with Jake for years. They are close, even friends. I’m the new woman that has come in and taken her place at work, and now this.

I don’t want to lose her friendship, precarious and new as it is.

I continue, “You probably don’t know what to think of all of this. I get it. Jake and I fought the attraction. He’s very persistent, very persuasive.” Liz listens quietly as I try to explain the relationship that even I don’t understand. She doesn’t seem upset, which is promising. This has to be a difficult situation for her. Finally, she offers the smallest timid smile to me.

“If Jake is happy, then I am happy for you both. I won’t deny that I find this situation a little strange, but it’s clear that you both are pretty into each other. Who am I to say anything against that?”

I let out the pent-up breath that I am holding.

“Thanks, Liz. I’m glad you aren’t upset about it.”

“Oh, it’s not my place to be upset. This is between you and Jake. I was just surprised. Jake is not the type to have an office romance. And I get the feeling that this is not typical of you either. Are you sure about this?”

“Nothing about our relationship is typical,” I agree. “And no, I’m not sure about anything right now.”

Liz looks like she has something to say. She opens her mouth to start, then closes it again. Then she sighs and confesses in a low voice, “I once had an office romance. No one knows, so you can’t say a word.”

I try to hide my shock. Liz? Liz, the rule follower, who does everything by the book? Liz, who dresses so conservatively and wears her hair in that very unsexy tight bun? She had an office romance?

I can’t help but ask, “With who?” I try to hide the surprise in my face.

“I can’t really say who,” she hedges.

I feel alittle sick, but I have to ask. “Please tell me. It wasn’t Jake, was it?”

Liz laughs loudly in surprise. “Oh my God, no, never. Not that he isn’t handsome, but he’s like a brother. It’s kinda gross to think about. We’ve worked together for far too long to have any sort of dating relationship. I’ll leave that to you.” She gives a little half smile to show she is teasing.

“You’re really not going to tell me? Was it someone here? Can you say that much? How long ago was it? I have so many questions!” I realize I’m firing off questions so quickly that she can’t possibly answer them all, but I can’t help it. Liz, dating? Someone in the office?

“I really shouldn’t have said anything.” Liz shakes her head in regret. “I can’t tell you any details.”
