Page 61 of Mistaken Desire

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“I don’t feel like going out. I have food here. You’re not busy, are you?” I ask airily.

I push past him and walk inside his place, and he doesn’t try to stop me. The door is slightly ajar, so I just walk in and look around. I don’t see anyone.

“What are you doing?” he asks, following me in.

“I’m making sure no one else is here. Why didn’t you want me to come in?”

“No one is here,” he says in exasperation.

“Perfect.” I start laying out the lasagna and grab some plates while he continues to watch my every move with eagle eyes. I didn’t really think he had a female in here, but his strange behavior has me second-guessing myself.

“I guess you aren’t going to take no for an answer?”


He sits at the table while I dish up our food and pour the wine. It smells delicious, and I realize that I’m starving. Food was just an excuse to come over, but I sure will enjoy it.

“I guess you decided you weren’t tired after all?” he asks.

“I must have gotten a burst of energy on the way home.” I shrug.

“Well, at least it smells good. I hadn’t gotten around to making anything yet.”

“Oh, you mean with the two eggs in your refrigerator?”

He looks a little sheepish as he laughs.

I join him at the table, and we both dig into the food. Jake looks a little less on edge now that he thinks I’m just here for dinner. I have something important to discuss with him, but I’m not exactly sure how to bring it up. So, I just blurt it out.

“I’m on birth control. And I was tested two years ago when I was last in a relationship. I just wanted you to know.”

Jake looks confused for a second.

“Two years ago?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“And Dominic…?”

“We aren’t dating and haven’t dated for over five years,” I admit sheepishly. “I was using him as a reason to keep things from being serious between us. I wasn’t entirely truthful with you.”

Jake takes a minute to think about it. Then a smile slowly crosses his lips. “I’m not happy you lied about him, but I have to admit I’m glad I don’t have to be jealous anymore.”

“Since the day we met, there hasn’t been anyone else, Jake.”

“For me, either. And I was tested weeks ago. I had them run everything when I had my physical. So, we are both in the clear for when we are ready to take our relationship to the next level.

“So, truth time,” he continues. “Why are you really here?”

“I want to seduce you,” I reply nonchalantly.

He pauses with the fork halfway to his mouth and just stares at me. “I’m sorry?”

“You heard me. I want to seduce you.” I shrug and take another bite, another sip of wine. “You’ve been taking me out on dates for weeks and dropping me off at home. But you’ve made no move to take it any furtherthan a little kiss on the lips or cheek. That’s not going to work for me anymore.”

“Lana, we agreed to take things slowly. I think it’s best this way.”

His eyes are pleading with mine, but I won’t back down. He thinks he’s doing the right thing, but he doesn’t get to make those decisions without me.
