Page 65 of Mistaken Desire

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He wraps his long arms around me. And that’s how we fall asleep.

Chapter Nineteen


The Saturday morning sun wakes me from my deep sleep. Lana is still pressed up against my side. I can’t remember ever feeling so amazing, so full of energy, and so ready to take on the day as I do at this moment. The woman I love is lying next to me, her arms lying lightly on my chest, her face buried in my neck. I don’t want to move, to break the spell.

I want to shout out to the world that I love her and that she is mine. Things are complicated with her working for me, but I’m confident that we can work that out later. Besides, I love having her work alongside me, and I don’t want anything to change.

Lana sighs quietly in her sleep, a small smile drifting on her lips. I wonder what she’s thinking about in her sleep. I kept her busy last night, and I know that she must be exhausted. Not wanting to disturb her, I gently take her arm off me and inch my way out of bed. She lies there, sleeping peacefully. In the morning light, she looks even more beautiful and endearing. My heart clenches at the sight of her.

Knowing that Lana will appreciate some coffee, I put on a pot and then sit down to read some emails on my phone. There’s always more work than I can get done, and the emails seem to pile up on me. My brother Ethan is supposed to be helping with some of this. My workload has increased in his absence and is becoming unmanageable. He needs to return soon, or he’s going to find himself out of a job, brother or not.

Flipping through my emails and texts, I see Dax wants to meet with me this weekend. We have a lot of deals closing in the next month, so he probably wants to get a head start on that.

The door slowly opens, and Lana emerges. She’s stolen one of my T-shirts again. Her hair is tousled, and she looks like she’s not quite awake. Yet she is more beautiful than ever.

“I think you should bring over some clothing to leave over here. Otherwise, I’m going to run out of T-shirts.”

“Coffee. I need coffee,” she mumbles.

I jump up to get her a cup while she takes a seat on the couch. “I think I kept you up too late,” I tell her as she smiles sleepily up at me.

“Maybe, but it was worth it.” She looks up at me dreamily.

“What do you want to do today? I’m meeting with Dax tonight, but I’m free until six or so.”

She shakes her head regretfully. “I already have plans today. I occasionally work at the women’s shelter on Twelfth Avenue. I have a shift there from eleven to five.”

I can’t help the confusion that creeps into my voice. “You never mentioned that you work there.”

She shrugs at me. “I used to work there but haven’t been for the last few months. I called them last week and asked if they could add me tothe schedule, just occasional weekends. They agreed, and now here we are. It’s my first day back.”

“I don’t understand. If you need money, we can work something out.” I don’t like the idea of her working two jobs.

“No, it’s not that. I just really enjoy my work there. I want to help people. Don’t worry. It won’t interfere with my job with you.”

“It’s not that, Lana. It’s just, is that safe? What type of place are we talking about here?”

She seems irritated by my question. “The place is just fine. It’s safe. I’ve worked there for years. Only women and children are allowed at the shelter.”

“I’m going to need to have this place checked out. I’m not really comfortable with you going there alone.”

“I’ve been working there for years! This is not up to you to decide, Jake. And I’m not alone. There are plenty of other people working there. It’s perfectly safe. It’s fine.”

I know we haven’t been dating for long, but I can’t help but be concerned for her. This is not okay. I know what type of people can go to these places, and her kind and generous heart could get her hurt. It would break me if something happened to her. Unfortunately, she seems set on doing this, regardless of what I say. I make a mental note to check on this place as soon as possible.

“We’ll discuss this later. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

She opens her mouth like she has something more to say on the topic. Then she seems to change her mind. She smiles up at me and says, “How about a good morning kiss?”

“Now, I can definitely do that.” I lean down to kiss her slowly on the mouth. “You’re right. That’s much better. Would you like me to call down and have some clothes brought up from the shop next door?”

“Is this how rich people get things done? By calling your concierge every time you need the smallest thing?” she says in exasperation.

“If you’d prefer to stay in my T-shirt, that’s okay with me,” I reply nonchalantly, shrugging.

Lana laughs, a sparkle in her eyes.
