Page 67 of Mistaken Desire

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A few more taps on my phone, and it’s done.

I know that she is going to be pretty upset with me about this. But what female says no to a new car? I will budge on a lot of things. But no woman of mine will be driving that poor excuse for a car. What if she broke down in the middle of the city? She could be seriously hurt.

“This conversation isn’t done,” Lana says accusingly. “I can afford my own new car if that’s what I want. I happen to enjoy Bessy.”

“Bessy belongs in a graveyard.”


“Let’s just kiss and make up. I don’t like arguing with you.”

“I don’t like arguing with you, either,” she says. Her hands are on her hips, and I get the feeling that she wants to continue arguing, despite her words.

I put my finger under her chin and lift her face to mine. “I love you.”

Those three words seem to melt her right there on the sidewalk. Her eyes turn dreamy, and she sways into me. When I lean down to kiss her, she meets me halfway. Our lips meet in the tiniest of whispers before we pull back.

“I love you, too.”

As I watch Lana pull away from the curb, I notice a man with a camera across the street. He seems to be taking photos of my building. It wouldn’t be the first time this building was featured in a magazine or news article. It’s one of Manhattan’s largest, most luxurious, and most sought-after apartment buildings. The simple art deco style combined with marble, polished metals, and more utilitarian materials like brick gives it an air of comfort that meets modern. It is cost-prohibitive for most people to buy into, which is why so many people find it intriguing.

And the concierge is amazing. On my way back in, I stop to talk to Albert, the man who is responsible for making sure I have everything that I need.

“Albert, thank you for this morning’s delivery.” I hand him a very substantial tip, and his cheeky grin tells me he’s more than satisfied.

“Thank you, sir. I’m happy to do it, of course. I hope your lady loves the clothing selection. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.”

“Everything was perfect. Actually, there is something I could use help with. I’d love to have some flowers delivered to my office on Monday morning?”

“Oh yes, of course, sir. Here, put your note on here, and I’ll take care of it.” He hands me a notecard. It’s a simple white card with two entwined,embossed hearts on it. “Might I also suggest tickets to the theater for this weekend? I have obtained a set of fantastic seats.”

Albert pulls the tickets from behind his desk for my inspection.

“Albert, you are too good to me. The tickets are perfect. Please send them with the flowers.”

“Yes, sir. And dinner reservations?”

“What would I do without you, Albert?”

“It’s what I’m here for, sir.”

I head back up to my empty apartment. Usually, I am at peace with solitude and enjoy the quiet. But I already miss having Lana here. She makes me smile. She makes me laugh. When she is around, I am able to relax and put my work away. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else.

Feeling like a teenager, I pull out my phone and bring up Lana’s info.

Miss you already

It takes several minutes for her to respond. She’s probably still driving. But finally,

Miss you too. can’t wait for Monday

Then, seconds later, I recieve another text.


If anyone could see my big smile right now, I’d undoubtedly be embarrassed. What is this woman doing to me?

Chapter Twenty
