Page 70 of Mistaken Desire

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“I have a question for you.”

“Anything. I’ll answer anything,” I promise him.

“Were you telling the truth when you said you were on birth control?” he asks coldly.

Shocked to my core, I almost can’t answer.

“Yes. I wouldn’t lie about that,” I whisper. Any hope I felt is now evaporating. He hates me.

“Well, let me tell you what’s going to happen next. You will take two pregnancy tests over the next month. I will set up the appointments with a doctor I trust. If it turns out that you’re pregnant, I’ll know you were lying, and you’ll have consequences to deal with. Don’t think for a second that I’ll allow you to use a baby against me.”

“Damn it, Jake. I’m not lying about that! I’m on birth control. I can’t possibly be pregnant. This is ridiculous.”

He shrugs as though he doesn’t believe me or doesn’t care...or both. “Don’t worry. It will be a simple thing to verify if you are lying or not. Now, I need you to leave and don’t come into this building ever again.”

“If you would just take some time to think this over and talk to me, you’ll see that I didn’t have any malicious intentions. I just wanted to help my uncle. How can you be so willing to throw us away so easily?”

“You can’t throw away something you never had.” The dead calm of his voice crushes me.

My heart shatters at the finality of his words. I have to get out of here before I lose it in front of Jake. His cold, unyielding stare is ripping me apart. I get up and walk quickly to the door.

“Oh, and Lana?” My hand stops on the door, but I don’t turn around. “You might want to remember that NDA you signed when you were hired. Do you remember agreeing to the confidentiality clause? If you somehow forget to make it to those doctor appointments, I will be forced to pull out those documents and use them against you. Don’t forget. I could destroy you if I wanted to.”

With a cry of anguish, I wrench open the door and stumble to my desk to grab my bag. The flowers are sitting on my desk, mocking me as I grabmy things. As I blindly make my way out of my office, a security guard takes me by the elbow and ushers me to the elevator. Tears are blinding my eyes so badly that I can’t see the numbers on the panel. I know that I deserve everything he said to me, but it doesn’t stop the pain. He will never forgive me. I knew that this brutal and unforgiving side to Jake existed, but I never thought it would be directed at me.

I somehow make it back to my apartment. I barely remember getting in my car and driving the thirty minutes home. When I walk in, Jess is sitting at the table. She takes one look at me and rushes over to hug me. I sob as my heart breaks into a million tiny shards. And each one of those shards pierces me with pain again and again.

The last time I cried this hard was the night my parents died. I never thought I’d feel that kind of anguish again. Jess rocks me as I cry my heart out. I feel like a part of my soul is dying. My eyes are red and puffy as she leads me to my room and crawls into bed with me. Hours pass, and the room darkens as night falls, but I have no desire to move.

When I woke up the next morning, my eyes are sore and red from crying. I don’t want to leave my room, but Jess forces me to come out to the living room. She tells me it’s not good to lay in bed and cry all day. She has a point, but what else should I do? It’s not like I have a job to go to anymore. I might as well lay around and pity myself.

Every time I think of Jake, my eyes tear up again. I know that I’ll never get over the heartache of losing him. It’s too much to bear.

I put on the TV just to have some noise to help drown out my miserable thoughts. Maybe if I give Jake a little space, a little time, he’ll come to realize that we can get through this together. For someone who proclaimed to love me a few days ago, he sure did give up on me quickly. I want to hate him for the horrible things he said to me, but I can’t hatehim. If he came through this door right now, I’d tell him how much I love him.

When did I become this sad person who needs a man in her life? Well, not just any man. Jake.

Sniffing loudly, I grab a pillow and hold it tightly to my chest. It’s hard to believe that it’s over. My heart refuses to believe that this is the end.

Jess gasps behind me. “Holy shit,” she says in shock.

“What’s wrong?” She doesn’t answer me. I ask again, “Jess, what’s wrong?”

“Son of a bitch,” she mumbles.

Not getting any more information from her, I get up and see her looking down at her tablet. Glancing down, I see a large photo of me and Jake spread across the page, next to an equally large photo of Amanda and Jake. The photo of us was taken just days ago, kissing in front of his apartment building. Horrified, I snatch the tablet from Jess and start to read.

In bold letters, it reads:

Cheated on by her fiancée, but that won’t keep her down.

Supermodel Amanda Deloche knows what it’s like to be hurt by someone she trusts. You may know her from the pages of the latest fashion magazines, but did you know that she was engaged to billionaire Jake Anders?After a four-year relationship, Ms. Amanda Deloche has recently discovered that her fiancée was having an affair with his executive assistant, Lana Jacobs. Don’t believe it? We have the photographs to prove it. Be sure to read the tell-all interview with Amanda Deloche below!

“No, no, no, no, no, no. What new hell is this?” I cry in misery. I scan the article and see my name mentioned several times. It seems that my entire relationship with Jake is now out in the open. Not only that, I’ve been made to look like a cheating, money-grabbing whore. Unable to read any further, I shove the tablet back onto the table toward Jess. I can’t hold back the tears, so I ball up on the couch and let them flow.

Jess takes the tablet and continues to silently read the article. I thought my heart was breaking before, but to know that he lied to me about Amanda? It’s more than I can bear. I gave him my heart, and the entire time, he was engaged?

It can’t be true.
