Page 75 of Mistaken Desire

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“Tacos?” I ask.

“Yes!” they both respond.

“And no more talk about men and cars,” I warn.

“Our lips are zipped,” Liz says while running her fingers across her lips like a zipper.

“Except, I just have to ask one thing before we close the subject,” Jess hedges. At my raised brows, she continues. “Do you still love him?”

“More than anything,” I sigh.

“Then why let him go so easily?”

“Some things were just not meant to be,” I respond sadly.

Chapter Twenty-Two


It’s been two weeks, possibly the longest two weeks of my life. Two weeks since my heart was ripped into two. Two weeks since I found out that my entire relationship with Lana was a lie. Two weeks since photos of my personal life were thrown around for everyone to see.

Every day has brought a reminder of Lana. I can’t even sit at my desk without thinking of her. I had to close our connecting door so I couldn’t see the flowers I bought as they slowly wilted away on her desk.

I miss her so much that it physically hurts.

How could she lie to me like that? I bared my heart to her, and she pretended to love me back. Even now, I don’t know how I could have been misled like that. It seemed so real. She seemed real.

I miss the cute dimples of her smile and the sweet smell of lavender that drifts from her skin whenever she is close. I miss the way her laughter lights up a room and the way she makes me feel whenever she is near.

My nights are filled with thoughts of her. Getting any type of sleep has been impossible. Dax and Liz are getting fed up with my mood swings, but I honestly don’t care. Some days, I’m so mad at her that I can’t think straight. Other days, I’m itching to find a reason to call her, just to hear her voice.


No, what’s pathetic was sending her a car and hoping it would give her a reason to call me. Sending that note with it was a little immature on my part, but even that didn’t spark a response from her.

I hear Dax walking down the hall and whistling as he opens my door to come in.

“Hey, what’s the current mood in here?” he asks gingerly.


“Normal shitty, or ‘I’m going to rip out the throat of anyone who dares to speak to me’ shitty.”

“Just normal shitty.”

“Sweet. My date for tonight just canceled, so I have time to kill.” Dax flops down heavily into the chair across from my desk. “I saw Liz in the hall, and she said she was going to be bringing you those contracts she was working on.”

“Thanks. I haven’t had time to interview new assistants yet. Liz has been helping out, thankfully,” I explain.

“You’re going to have to replace her eventually, you know,” Dax says. “Liz told me you haven’t even looked at the resumes she sent you.”

I shrug at him. “I just don’t want to deal with it right now.”

“No, you just don’t like the thought of someone else being in there. I see how you look at the door.”

“I’ll hire someone when I’m ready,” I snarl as I glareat him.

Dax doesn’t appear to be in the mood to take a hint.
