Page 77 of Mistaken Desire

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I raise my eyebrow in question. That sounds almost ominous. I nod to the guard to let him know it’s okay, and he turns to leave.

“A gift, hmm?”

She takes a key fob out of her pocket and throws it on the desk. She puts her hands on her hips and juts out her chin. “Lana asked me to put this in the mail, but I thought I’d hand-deliver it to you instead. The car is outside your apartment building.”

Her defiant look is starting to piss me off, almost as much as her returning the car.

“This is Lana’s car. I don’t want it back.”

“She doesn’t want it. If you think she’d accept something like that, you’re crazy. She can’t even afford the insurance on a car like that anyway.”

Well, hell. I didn’t even think of that. I can feel my face slowly getting red as I realize that Lana is out of a job and probably can’t pay her bills as it is. “I’m paying the insurance, obviously,” I say in my defense.

Dax stands up. “We’ll make sure the insurance is paid a year in advance. Lana won’t have to worry.”

Jessica whips her eyes around to address Dax. “Who the hell are you?” she snaps.

Dax’s eyes widen in surprise at her tone. If I weren’t in my own miserable hell, I’d laugh at the shocked look on his face. Women usually fawn all over him, not snap at him.

“I’m Dax. Jake is my brother. I’m one of the owners of the company.”

“Well, Dax, I realize that rich people think they can just throw money at us poor, heathen lowlanders, but I can assure you that Lana doesn’t want the car. So you can sit back down.”

And just like that, she dismisses Dax. He’s so bemused that he actually sits back down like she commanded.

“And you.” She points to me. “You take the car and leave her alone. She’s been through enough.”

I cross my arms over my chest.

“Fine. If Lana wants to return the car, she needs to do it herself. She missed an important appointment today, so I need to have a chat with her anyway.”

Jessica huffs out the breath she seems to be holding. “She wasn’t able to make it to the appointment today. You’ll need to reschedule.”

“That’s not an option. We had a deal.”

“Can someone tell me what the hell this appointment is about?” Dax breaks in. Liz is just looking back and forth between everyone talking. She hasn’t said a word since Jessica walked in.

“None of your business,” I snap.

“Your idiot brother seems to think that Lana tried to entrap him by getting pregnant,” Jessica sneers in answer.

“Lana is pregnant?” Dax asks, shocked.

“No, she isn’t pregnant,” Jessica says. “But someone here is insisting she gets tested anyway.”

“Jake, no!” Liz exclaims. “How could you do that?”

Liz is looking at me like I’m a bug beneath her shoe. Thinking back now, my actions may have been a bit harsh. However, Lana’s actions aren’t proving her innocence right now.

“Considering that she didn’t show up to the appointment today, I’d say my fears might have some merit,” I respond with a hint of sarcasm.

The room is silent for a moment. Everyone is looking at me like I’ve grown two heads. I’m clearly outnumbered.

“Or maybe it’s because she can’t drive because her car is totaled, and she has a broken arm and a concussion,” Jessica throws back. “Lana is probably going to kill me for saying that.”

My head snaps up at her words.

“What did you just say?” I roar.
