Page 84 of Mistaken Desire

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Chapter Twenty-Five


I’m barely speaking to Jess and Liz at the moment. When Jess came home last night, she admitted to going to Jake’s office and telling him about my accident. Apparently, she and Liz came up with a plan to get us back together. They thought that if he knew about the accident, he’d come running to me. And they were right.

Except Jess exaggerated my injuries and made it sound like I was really hurt. I know that they meant well. I’m actually touched by their concern, but they shouldn’t have made Jake think that I was seriously injured.

Am I secretly thrilled that Jake came running to me? Maybe.

However, it doesn’t change anything. I can’t risk getting hurt again. Not only are our lives so completely different, but he doesn’t trust me. Nothing between us could ever work out long-term. And I’m just not a short-term kind of person. I need to learn to harden my heart against him. I need to convince myself that letting him go is the right thing to do, no matter how hard it is. Because it feels pretty terrible right now.

The silence in the apartment is no longer comforting. Jess stormed out hours ago, exasperated by my silent treatment. It’s just me and my tortuous thoughts.

Me, my tortuous thoughts, and the ringing of the doorbell. I’m tempted to leave it unanswered, because I really don’t care who’s on the other side. At the insistent ringing, I finally go to answer the door, just to make the noise stop.

I am greeted by two men in pale-blue uniforms carrying a total of three beautiful vases filled with my favorite flower combo—Stargazer lilies and pink roses.

“Are you Lana Jacobs?” the taller of the two men asks. “We have a delivery for you.”

My mouth opens in surprise. Who else would have sent them except Jake? And they happen to be the same type of flowers that he sent to me at the office. The ones I never got to enjoy.

“Thank you. Please put them on the table.” I usher them inside the apartment and go hunting for a tip in my bag that is sitting on the table.

“No need, ma’am. It’s been taken care of. Please enjoy.”

After I thank them, they head out, and I spot the card that is sticking out of one of the bouquets.

It’s in Jake’s handwriting. I’d know that neat scrawl anywhere.

Lana -

These three dozen Stargazer lilies and pink roses signify the long weeks that we’ve been apart. The longest and worst weeks of mylife. Forgive me…

All my love,


As I’m staring at the flowers, I hear the apartment door unlock. Jess and Liz come in, both wearing identical sheepish looks. I cross my arms over my chest and do my best to give them my meanest stare down.

Before I can say anything, Jess holds up her hand. “I know you’re mad at us. But hear us out, at least. We had only your best interests in mind.”

“Hmph!” I say rudely, crinkling my nose.

Jess is about to comment further but notices the flowers first. “Are those from Jake? They are gorgeous!”

“What does the note say?” Liz asks, a smile on her face. Not waiting for my reply, she rushes forward and takes the note. As Liz reads the note, her smile gets bigger. She passes the notecard wordlessly to Jess.

Jess looks up from the note. “This is seriously the sweetest note.”

“I guess so,” I grumble, not wanting to admit how I feel about anything right now. I go and flop down on the couch and hold a pillow to my chest. “You know, I’m still mad at you guys.”

Liz comes and sits beside me. “We know you’re mad. But we only did it because we want you to be happy. It came from a good place. Please don’t be mad.”

I feel myself softening. These two girls have been there for me, and I can’t stay mad at them. “You two can’t interfere like that again.”

Jess comes over to the sofa, hands on her hips. “We both promise that we will probably not interfere again.” She pauses for a second. “Unless you are being stubborn and need help again, obviously.”

A reluctant smile forms on my lips.
