Page 113 of Resisting Desire

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Unable to hold their knowing gazes, I look away. “We were just a little late. It’s not a big deal,” I mutter.

Jess puts her hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. You might as well admit it. You were bumping uglies with Ethan, and that’s why you were late.” She leans in. “That’s just shameful, Liz,” she whispers in mock horror.

“Who wants to dance?” I ask brightly, hoping they will change the subject.

“Hell no, we want to hear about how Ethan shagged you.” Jess laughs.

“Shagged?” Lana asks, confused.

“You know. Did her? Had sex with her? Shagged her? Bumped uglies. It all means the same,” Jess explains reasonably.

“I’m leaving now,” I tell them in an exasperated voice. I pivot, and their laughter follows me as I head back to the table.

Before I can get there, Ethan comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. “Hey. I missed you,” he says. “You want to dance?”

I glare back at Lana and Jess before answering. The jerks are still giggling and staring at me. “Yes, please.”

Ethan leads me to the dance floor. A slow song is playing, so he pulls me into his body. I put my arms under his jacket and wrap them around his back. I rest my head against his chest as he sways with me to the music.

The last time we danced felt like years ago. Eons ago. Has it really only been weeks? We are such different people now. I thought I loved him then, but it doesn’t compare to what I feel now. Knowing that he loves me back makes all the difference. I know that I can love him with my whole heart now.

“What are you thinking about? You’re so quiet.” His low voice rumbles in his chest.

“I’m just thinking about everything we’ve been through to get here. It’s weird. I’m supposed to be in Syracuse right now. Instead, I’m here dancing with you.”

Ethan stops dancing and tilts my chin up to look at him. “No, you were never supposed to be in Syracuse. You were always meant to be here with me.”

He pulls me back against him, and we continue dancing.

Suddenly, the music comes to a screeching halt in the middle of the song. We stop dancing and look around. Everyone on the dance floor has also stopped; we’re all trying to see what’s happening. I look over to the band.

“That’s weird,” I say. “What are Jake and Lana doing over there by the band? Looks like they’re trying to get the microphone to work.”

Ethan looks over to where I’m pointing. Jake is staring at us while Lana is tapping on the microphone, trying to figure out why it’s not on.

“Oh shit. I have a bad feeling about this,” Ethan says.

I look at him, and he seems a little panicked. “Ethan?” I ask, confused. “What’s wrong?”

“That asshole,” he says to himself.

“Ethan! What’s happening?”

“Liz. I’m really, really sorry. Jake cornered me. He forced me to tell him. I swear, I didn’t have any choice. He promised me that he wouldn’t tell anyone except Lana.”

Ethan looks nervous and tense. He’s shaking his head at Jake. “Tell him what? What did you tell him?”

Lana taps the microphone again, and this time it works. She smiles beautifully as she looks out at the crowd.

“Hi everyone! Jake and I want to thank everyone for coming to our wedding and reception. We feel all of the love and support from everyone here. We hope everyone here is having a fantastic time. The bar is open, and drivers are outside, ready to drive you home if you have too much fun celebrating. So, please let loose and have fun.”

She turns to Jake and says something we can’t hear. He shakes his head. Then, he grabs the microphone. He clears his throat before speaking. “Like Lana said, we appreciate and love all of you, and we’re thrilled you could make it to our wedding. We’re still making our rounds and plan to speak to everyone here, so please don’t leave before saying goodbye. Thank you, and have a good night.”

Ethan breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank God. Okay, situation averted.”

Lana grabs the microphone from Jake. Excitement is practically oozing from her. “One last thing. I know that I’m not supposed to say anything. Apparently, someone thinks they will steal my thunder with their special announcement on my wedding day. But I’m here to say that I am so freaking thrilled that I can’t hold it in. One of my very best friends is engaged!” she squeals.

My eyes wide, I turn to Ethan.
