Page 115 of Resisting Desire

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She raises her hand to her mouth and then pops me on the leg. “I was not drooling now, nor have I ever drooled. That’s so gross.”

I laugh into her hair. “You’re right. You weren’t drooling. But I’m happy you’re awake. My arm is numb from where you’ve been lying on it.”

“Serves you right for accusing me of drooling.” She leans her head back to look at me. “You owe me at least one kiss for that.”

“I’m very happy to oblige.” I lean down and kiss her once on the lips.

“Six months ago, did you ever think this would be us? Laying here on your yacht, planning our wedding?” Liz asks dreamily.

I think about that for a second. “Ever since meeting you, I knew there was something different about you. When we started seeing each other,I put all those ridiculous rules into place about never spending the night with you and never going out on dates where our friends might see us because I knew you were different, deep down. I think I knew that if I let you get too close, I wouldn’t be able to let you go. And I was right. Now that I know how good it is between us, I never want to let you go. And I’m more than okay with that. But no, six months ago, I couldn’t have imagined us being as happy as we are now. It’s like a dream I never knew I had.”

She sighs into my chest. “Life is strange sometimes. But also so amazing. You, me, and Matthew make a nice little family. I’m so happy right now.”

I stroke her cheek and look into her eyes. The love I feel for her is scary sometimes. To know that a person can have such a hold over me is terrifying yet comforting at the same time. To have someone to come home to each day, someone who is excited to see me fills my heart with a joy I’ve never felt before.

“Liz, I have something to tell you. I hope you aren’t upset with me because I didn’t ask you first, but it’s kinda a surprise.”

Liz raises her eyebrows in suspicion. “What kind of surprise?” she asks. Her eyes are squinted in suspicion but also a little intrigue.

“The good kind, I think.” I pull out my phone.

“You’re calling someone?”

I shake my head at her and start scrolling through some photos. When I get to the photo I’m looking for, I show her the screen. “I kinda put down an offer on a townhome for us. Here are some photos of it.”

“You bought a house? Just like that?” she says incredulously.

I can’t tell if she’s happy or upset, so I quickly explain as I flip through the photos. “No, not yet. I can still get out of it. It has a yard for Matthewand more bedrooms so that you can have your own office. You’re going to need your own space when you go to school. And look, a bigger kitchen. Also, it’s in a great neighborhood.” I pause and look at her before saying the next part. I take a deep breath. “And it has enough room for when we decide to have another baby.”

Her eyes are wide open, and I can see I’ve caught her off guard. “Another baby?” she whispers.

“I know we haven’t talked about it, and I know you’re going back to school and want to find a job afterward. I don’t want to interfere with any of that. We can hire people to help, or I can work from home more. Between the two of us, we can make it work. But, yes, I’d like to have another baby someday.”

My chest tightens as I wait for her response. I never thought I’d be asking for another child, but suddenly, it’s important to me. I’d hoped she’d be excited when I told her about my plans, but now I’m unsure.

Luckily, she doesn’t keep me waiting in limbo too long.

Her eyes fill with happy, unshed tears as she smiles at me. “Don’t you think we should worry about getting married first?”

“Babe, nothing is stopping me from marrying you. Nothing.”

“The house is perfect. You’re perfect. Life is perfect. I love you so much, Ethan Anders. And, of course, I’d love to have another baby with you.”

I feel the love swelling in my chest. “And I love you, the future Mrs. Elizabeth Anders. I hope you know you’re stuck with me forever, whether you like it or not. Cuz I’m just never gonna let you go,” I promise fervently.

“And I’m never gonna let you go either,” she says.

“Let’s seal the dealwith a kiss,” I say suggestively.

She scooches to sit on my thigh and wraps her arms around my neck. “Oh, I think we can do much better than a simple kiss.”

“I like the sound of that,” I growl into her ear.

As it turns out, we seal the deal many times during the night . . .
