Page 72 of Resisting Desire

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“Yeah, the private investigator, Peyton, is going to work with the detective on the case. Peyton’s team is keeping an eye on Trent’s wife. The detective is going to focus on getting the evidence and proof they need to move forward. I’ll keep security on until this is all wrapped up, and I know Liz is safe.”

“Do you have reason to suspect Liz is in danger? The notes have not been threatening,” Jake asks.

“No, not really. The wife seems harmless. It seems like she just wanted to scare Liz. But you just really never know.”

“It’s a relief to hear this is almost over for you and Liz,” Jake says. “Hopefully, it can all be wrapped up soon, and you can get on with your lives. I know it’s been stressful.”

I nod. “Yeah, I think the stress is part of the reason why Liz wants to leave. It’s been a lot for her to deal with.”

A loud, crunching sound comes from Dax’s direction. He finishes chewing the piece of ice in his mouth before speaking. “And don’t forget she thinks you’re a cheater, too. That probably doesn’t help your case. I’d leave you, too.”

Refusing to allow Dax to get to me again, I roll my eyes. “Like I want your opinion on relationships.”

Dax smirks at me. “Actually, didn’t you come here for my opinion? I seem to recall being summoned.”

Jake snaps his fingers loudly in the air. “If you’re done bickering like little kids, let’s change the subject. It’s good that you are both here. I have something to discuss with you two.”

Jake’s always been the more serious of us brothers, but he looks particularly intense right now.

“What’s up?” Dax asks.

Jake shakes his head. “It’s Lana and the freaking wedding. I’m going insane. If I have to hear one more thing about cake, hors d’oeuvres, flowers, centerpieces, photographers, I’m going to lose my mind.”

Dax and I look at each other and then laugh out loud.

“Seriously. What happened to eloping? That’s what you told us you were going to do,” I say, grateful for the change in subject.

Jake frowns. “Mom happened. That’s what. She agreed to host a small, intimate wedding if we agreed not to elope. And now it’s out of control, just like I knew it would be.”

I exchange amused glances with Dax. I can’t help but tease Jake a little. “You should’ve known better. There’s no way Mom was going to keep it small.”

Dax smiles at Jake. “Oh, give Mom a break and let her have fun. Her firstborn is getting married.”

“Do you know we have an entire team of wedding planners? An entire team! The guest list was supposed to be limited to close friends and family. Care to guess how many close friends we apparently have?”

“Oh, I’ll venture a guess of, say, three hundred?” Dax responds.

“Close. Three fifty,” Jake grumbles. “Lana is freaking out, by the way. She was carrying on about her wedding dress this morning. Something about the designer having some meltdown due to a bead dilemma. Idon’t know what that even means. I can’t keep up.” Jake shakes his head in exhaustion.

“That sounds painful. Remind me to never go through this. Ever.” I laugh mockingly at him.

“Same here,” Dax says. “At least Ethan and I have the sense to avoid marriage.”

Jake grimaces and then looks at me with a smug look. He puts his finger up to his chin, pretending to be thinking. “I don’t know.” He says slowly. “I have a feeling wedding bells might be in Ethan’s future.”

Dax laughs. “The only way Ethan is getting married is if he is forced, kicking and screaming, to the altar.”

I place both of my hands on the table in front of me and lean forward. “You guys suck. I’m going home where I can be mistreated in comfort by someone who temporarily hates me.”

I leave the room with their obnoxious laughter ringing in my ears.

Chapter 20


“Liz, why haven’t you returned my call?” I hear as I open the door to my squealing and excited friend, Peggy. She hugs me enthusiastically before pushing past me. “Now, where’s that baby of yours?”

“Matthew is right over there sleeping in the bassinet. That’s pretty much all he does during the day. I’m sorry for not calling you back, Peggy. I’m a terrible friend,” I sigh. “The last few weeks have been rough.”
