Page 73 of Resisting Desire

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“Awww, I understand. I’m sorry I didn’t call before coming over. Your hunk of a bodyguard gave me shit for not letting you know in advance. What’s that about? Why do you have a bodyguard?”

“Trent didn’t tell you?” I ask. “Don’t you ever talk to your brother?”

“Trent might be my brother, but he never tells me anything,” Peggy grumbles. “I’m glad you two are talking again, though.”

“Yeah, we are kinda talking. I’d say we’re kinda friends-ish again.”

Peggy smiles at me. “Ehh, I don’t blame you. I still have difficulty forgiving him for what he did to you. If he weren’t my brother, I’d havemurdered him for cheating on you with that bimbo before your wedding and leaving you at the altar. I still can’t believe your parents believed his story that you cheated on him with Ethan. And to disown you for that! I can see how it would still be hard to have a friendly relationship with him. Sometimes, I don’t understand how he and I are actually related. He’s a douche canoe, and I am . . . awesome, which makes me perfect best friend material.”

I can’t help but laugh at her. “At the time, if you’d murdered him, I’d probably have helped you hide the body. I’m not sure I completely forgive him, but I’ve moved on, at least. I kinda had to, since you’re related to him and all.”

Peggy smiles. Then, she gets a shrewd look and points toward the door. “I know you’re avoiding the subject, but what’s with the beefy hunk standing guard at your door?”

I was hoping she’d forget to ask about the bodyguard. I don’t like to talk about what’s going on. The last note terrified me, and I try not to think about it too much. But she is a dear friend and deserves some explanation.

“Oh, yeah, that’s my bodyguard, Beau. It’s a long story. The short version is that I’m getting some bizarre notes that are creeping me out. It’s a little stalkerish. Ethan hired a couple of bodyguards on a rotating schedule just to ensure Matthew and I are safe.”

Her eyes are round in surprise. “A stalker? Liz, that’s scary! Are the notes threatening?”

I avert my eyes, hoping she’ll get the hint and stop asking questions. “Yeah, they are kind of vague but creepy enough to have me worried.”

Peggy gives me a quick side hug. “I can’t believe you kept this from me! I would have been here for you.”

“I know you’d have been here. I didn’t want to drag anyone else into this mess. Ethan’s been with me the whole time, and he’s hired people to figure things out. I’m okay, I promise.”

Peggy doesn’t look as though she believes me. Her eyes are narrow slits as she looks at me. “I’m glad you have Ethan, but it’s not the same as having me around,” Peggy says with a wink, trying to lighten the mood. “Okay. I can see this is upsetting you. I won’t say anything more about it. Just know that I’m here for you.”

I smile at her gratefully. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

Peggy claps her hands together. “I’ll change the subject then. How about if you show me that sweet baby of yours? You know I’ve been dying to meet him.”

Some of the tension leaves my body at the mention of Matthew. I lead her over to Matthew’s bassinet. His little eyes open as we approach, and he yawns the biggest yawn ever.

“Here he is. The man of the hour.” I can’t help the pride in my voice.

“What a cutie,” she gushes. “And he looks so happy even though he just woke up. Oh my gosh, he’s closing his eyes again. He seems so content.”

I smile fondly down at my little love. “He’s a pretty easy baby. I think I’m pretty lucky in that regard.”

Peggy grabs one of my hands into both of hers and squeezes. “Listen. I can’t stay, but I just had to see you. Will you promise me that we can do lunch or dinner soon?”

“I’d love that. It’s hard feeling stuck in the condo so much. I’ll text you next week, okay?”

“Yes, please do.”

“Oh, and Peggy, one last thing I have to tell you.” I pause, uncertain how to tell her. “I’ve accepted a job in Syracuse. I’m going to be moving soon.”

“Liz, no!” she says in shock. “Why would you do that? Because of the stalker?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just that I need a fresh start. I need to get out of Manhattan,” I say sadly.

Peggy purses her lips. “I wish I didn’t have an appointment to get to. I want to talk about this. We need to get together next week.”

“I promise. We’ll talk then.”

She gives me a final hug and runs out the door.

Once she’s gone, I can’t find the energy to do anything except mope around the condo. Ethan isn’t back yet. I hate that I’m curious about where he went. I hate that I strain to hear the sounds of the front door opening, no matter what room I’m in.
