Page 97 of Resisting Desire

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The detective is still writing everything down in his little notebook, and I have the urge to rip it from him. Finally, he looks up from his writing, and I see sympathy in his eyes. Liz is still crying. “I think I have what I need for now. Thanks, Ms. Blakely, for talking with me. I know it is traumatic to relive what happened, but it is necessary for the case. I apologize for having to put you through that.”

My body tenses, and I can’t stop myself from asking Liz, “How did you get away from him?”

She’s too upset to answer. The detective senses that and steps in to explain.

“Your bodyguard heard her scream. He was able to break a window. Mr. Ellington was standing over Liz with the knife, and the bodyguard came up behind him. He tackled him to the ground. Before your bodyguard was able to get the knife from Mr. Ellington, he sustained a significant cut to his arm and chest. Emergency personnel said he’d be okay, but your bodyguard has been taken to the hospital for treatment.”

I get up shakily from the chair and pull Liz with me. She sways unsteadily. I’m sure she must be in shock, and it terrifies me. My tone is harsher than I intend when I respond to the detective. “It sounds like you have everything you need here. If you have more questions, you may call my lawyer to set up an appointment.”

“Of course, sir. I appreciate your cooperation,” the detective says respectfully.

“Babe, let’s get you home,” I say, snuggling her close as we walk. “Are you okay? What can I do for you?”

“I just want to go home, Ethan. I’ve never been so scared in my life. I just need to feel safe again.”

I physically hurt for her. Seeing the pain and fear in her eyes tears me up.

“I’ll make sure you’re safe. You don’t have to worry about him or anyone else,” I promise.

She gives me a watery smile as another tear falls from her eyes. She’s so brave, so strong. That bastard tried to take that away from her.

“He called me Lizzie while he was talking to me. The only time I have ever had anyone call me Lizzie was in those notes. Those notes were from him and not his wife, right?” she asks.

“Yes, he sent the notes and was trying to frame his wife. Peyton found evidence of that and is turning it all over to the detective.”

“What evidence did she find?” Liz asks as we slide into the car.

I look down into her tear-filled eyes, and I know there’s no way I can talk to her about the note Peyton found. Not when she’s so traumatized. And not when I’m afraid I’ll also break down at any moment.

“We’ll talk about it later. I just want you to relax and not worry about any of this anymore. Let’s just get you home, okay?”

She nods, appearing happy to change the subject. “Okay. Let’s just get home.” She leans onto my chest, and I help her into the passenger seat of my car.

I slide into the driver’s seat and glance over at her. She is leaning back against the seat and already has her eyes closed. I start the car and take her hand as I pull away. A feeling of protectiveness comes over me so strongly that I feel it in my chest, and it spreads throughout my body.

There is only one thought in my head right now. No one will ever touch her again. I’ll make sure of it.

Chapter 26


It’s been three days since my world changed forever. Ethan refuses to leave my side. Every time I stand up, he asks where I’m going as though the condo has hidden dangers in every corner.

I’m almost afraid he’s gone a little insane. He has a bodyguard at the front of our building and one at our condo door. He has cameras and motion detectors everywhere, inside and out of his condo. I don’t know how he’s allowed to do all of this. Surely there are building rules he is supposed to follow? I mentioned that to him, and he said that he didn’t care. He said he’d do whatever he needed to ensure my safety.

I’m beginning to think he may have been more traumatized from this than I was.

Even though I’m supposed to be moving in a week and a half, I’m afraid to bring it up to him. I don’t know why he added all of this security stuff when he knows I’m leaving soon. I think we’re both just avoiding reality right now.

The truth is, I no longer want to leave. If I’m being frank with myself, I never wanted to leave in the first place. However, I’ve already given up my apartment and job. My belongings are packed and scheduled to be picked up by the movers at the end of the week. I made my decision to go, and I’m going to see it through.

Besides, I might find that this was just what I needed. A fresh start. A new life.

I’m not going to think about Ethan and what this means for us. For once, I need to think about myself and Matthew. I mean, almost a year ago, I tried to talk to him about us, and he thought of only himself…and left. So I'm staying focused.

“Hey babe, you doing okay?” he calls out from the open bathroom door.

Oh, for the love of… “Yes, I’m fine. You can finish your shower!” I shout back. How will he let me move hundreds of miles away when he’s afraid to leave the room to shower?
