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‘Does she need a job?’ Jonah reached into his pocket, pulled out a business card from his wallet and handed it toShay. ‘She any good at design? Seriously. Everything needs revamping, the stationery, the letterheads – these awful business cards.’

‘Oh yes they do, don’t they?’ said Shay, giving it the once-over. ‘Now my son’s your man for this sort of thing. He’s a fabulous artist. He got a first at uni. It breaks my heart that they don’t capitalise on their talents. I don’t want them to be less than they could be.’

‘They’ll find their way in life, we all do eventually.’

‘I’m not sure I did,’ parried Shay.

‘You’ve still got time,’ Jonah countered. ‘You were never meant to fly under the radar, Shay.’

Chapter 37

She asked Jonah to drop her off on the High Street so she could go in and see Terri, even if she did think that was weird – calling in on a girl she once hated more than anyone else on the planet.

‘Well hello, stranger,’ Terri greeted her warmly and pulled out a chair at the table next to the counter. ‘Sit here,’ she commanded. ‘Was that Jonah’s car you just got out of?’

‘Yes, he took me to see his creamery.’

‘Oh, is that what he’s calling it these days,’ said Terri, deadpan.

‘Muum, don’t be so mucky,’ said a disgusted Chloe.

‘If you ever want to be really thrilled, come and visit the bee farm,’ said Terri, ignoring her. ‘Isn’t that more interesting than your Uncle Jonah’s factory, Chlo?’

‘Oh it’s amaaazing,’ replied Chloe, suddenly finding her fingernails interesting.

‘Sarky little sod.’ Terri laughed. ‘You okay if I take a break, love, and have a coffee with an old friend?’

‘No worries. What you having, I’ll bring it over?’

Terri slid a menu in front of Shay. ‘Order anything youlike. I’m having a toastie. Cheese, tomato and onion caramelised in honey. Sounds weird but trust me, we’ve got the recipe spot on.’

Shay had only planned a quick polite coffee but what had she to rush back to Candlemas for other than more work on Colin’s expenses? ‘Okay then, I’ll try one. I’ll pay though for—’

‘You bloody won’t and that’s final. Did you get that, Chlo?’

‘I heard. You are just a foot away from me with a voice like a foghorn.’

Chloe reminded Shay of a young Courtney, all baby-deer legs and attitude, confidence and cheek oozing out of her every pore. She wished life wouldn’t take a swing at girls like them and batter the chutzpah out of them with one lucky strike, because it happened sometimes.

While Chloe was preparing the toasties, Terri took a couple of orders and Shay watched her, barely able to imagine this was the same girl at school who’d been such a needle in her side. As if Terri was listening to her thoughts, when she brought the food over to the table and sat down with Shay, she said, ‘I bet you’re thinking how weird this is that we’re together here. Because I know I am.’

‘Yes I was, actually.’ No point in lying about it. Shay picked up a knife and cut her toastie into four.

‘You look exactly the same. I’d have known you anywhere.’

‘Do I?’ Shay never looked at photographs of her as a teenager. She didn’t even know if any still existed because her mum had had a purge. She’d changed so much inside, she imagined that change had worked its way outwards.

‘Jonah’s glad you’re back.’ Terri grinned. ‘And I meanreallyglad.’

Shay felt her cheeks warming as quickly as if there was a halogen ring hidden under her skin.

‘It’s good to see him again.’

She bit down on a toasted triangle. Terri was right, the flavours really did work together.

‘He told me why you were here.’ Then Terri added quickly, ‘He wasn’t gossiping.’

Shay didn’t mind her knowing.
