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She bites her lip to stifle another laugh. As I look down on her I feel like sunshine’s washing over me, even though we’re nowhere near the yurt’s windows.

Her fingertips graze my chest as she steps back.

“Well, I guess thatissaying a lot. Hopefully, I’ve buttered you up enough to get away with your truck keys without you putting up too much of a fuss. Skye fished them out of that bowl for melast night without protesting even once. Maybe you could learn from her.”

“Girl, you keep kissing me like that, and I won’t put up a fuss about anything, ever again.”

“Ha. Keep that in mind this afternoon when we have to do the acrobatics yoga class. Skye said it’s easy enough, though I can’t figure out how combining acrobatics and yoga could be easy.”

Even the thought of that terrifying-sounding combo can’t get me down. I feel like I’m standing in the middle of a rainbow.

Olivia snags my keys off the table and tucks them in her purse. Then she looks around like she’s checking to see if she forgot anything. Worry lines appear on her brow.

“Everything okay?” I ask, as I find my hat and fit it on.

“I think so… I mean, I have everything I need: my computer, my charger, my phone. Beryl’s phone number…” She frowns as she pulls a knit hat over her head. “I guess I’m nervous about calling her.”

“Hey, I might not agree with everything you’re doing, but I do know you’re a tough cookie. If calling her is what you think is right, I know you can do it. You’re brave. Heck, you’ve looked a pair of lions in the face, right?”

“Ha,” she murmurs. Her voice is usually so loud and confident, but now it sounds small. “That didn’t go so well.”

“But you survived it, and you’ll get through this, too. You’re all grown up; you don’t have to let her get to you in the same way she did when you were a little kid.”

She gives me a fleeting half-smile, but her brow’s still furrowed with worry lines. “Thanks. I needed to hear that.”

We share a long look.

Then she hitches her big red purse over her shoulder. “I’ll be back by lunch for more shenanigans. You okay with Blue for the morning?”

“We’ll be just fine. Drive safe.”

She slips through the door, and I rake my fingers through my hair as I keep watching that darn flap.

I know there’s a goofy smile on my lips.

More shenanigans.

If shenanigans with Olivia include kisses like that, I’m all in.

Yeah, I could get used to this.

Chapter 15


Coles’s truck is a lot like he is—humble and covered in a layer of dull paint.

I’ve never really looked twice at the rig. It’s not flashy and new, like my brother's big Chevy, and it’s not decked out in shiny chrome wheels or big, showy tires. But it’s a nice truck.

Big and sturdy.

It runs smoothly and even gets XM radio. How is it that I never noticed his truck was so amazing? Maybe it’s because I didn’t pay much attention to Cole.

I overlooked him. But now I realize that behind his gruff attitude and shabby clothes, he’s quite the guy.

Sweet. Handsome. Kind.

He’s changed, these past few days, too. Out by that juniper tree, we had a real, sincere conversation.
