Page 20 of Broken By the Alpha

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Chapter 12 - Spencer

Spencer held her as her sobs shuttered through her. He wished there was something he could say to make her feel better, take all the pain away. But there was nothing; all he could do was hold her. All he could hope was that she knew he was there for her.

Slowly, her sobs subsided, and she was able to look up at him. The pain he saw in her eyes broke his heart. He gently kissed her forehead and guided her out of the house and to her aunts. He gently picked her up out of the car and carried her to the door. Her aunt opened it and let them in. Tears were streaming down her face for Adria; Spencer thought they were partly because it was all over. There would be no more threat of Braddock coming back to hurt her or the baby.

Without a word, he took her upstairs and laid her on her bed. Sitting beside her, he stroked her hair, as she lay there with her eyes closed. When he turned to leave, she grabbed his hand.

“Stay, please,” she said in a weak voice. Spencer nodded, slid into the bed behind her, and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. He stayed that way until he could hear her breathing slowly, and he knew she was sleeping. He waited and held her through the night. He couldn't leave her. He wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke up. Wanted her to know that he would never leave her. He was hers forever.

The town was busy cleaning up after the battle for the next couple of days. Bodies were disposed of, and the wounded took the time to heal. It spread pretty quickly through the other packs that the hunters had been defeated. Representatives came from all over to thank them for what they did, for how they defended their kind. Every wolf slept a little more peacefully knowing that they were a little safer. They all knew that there might still be more hunters out there, but the worst one wasgone, never to darken any town ever again with their presence. All the Alphas agreed that this was going to go down in the history books for future generations to learn about. How, when presented with a common enemy, wolves will always unite and support each other. This would also be a lesson for future hunters to learn from, that all the pack communities want is to be left alone to live in peace. If they were to try to compromise that again, they would be presented with the same fate.

Spencer took great care to make sure that no one found out that Adria’s father was the hunter. He didn’t want her to have to deal with any backlash of any kind. Most wolves were the understanding kind, but he didn’t want to take any chances. She had been through more in the last month than most people go through in a lifetime. Plus, he had his unborn child to think about. He wanted her to have a happy, stress-free pregnancy, as much as possible. He knew that he was never going to let her go. She was his everything. So, he was optimistic when he woke up that morning and went over to her aunt's place. It was time to carry on with their lives.

“I need you to come with me,” he said with a smile as she answered the door.

“Where?” she asked, smiling but with a little look of puzzlement.

“Do you trust me?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“Of course.” She laughed, as she hugged her aunt goodbye and got into the car. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll have to wait till we get there.” He kept his gaze forward, not giving her any clues; he knew she was good at reading him.

“So mysterious!” She giggled. She looked puzzled when they pulled up to a quaint little house. Her favorite color was pale blue, with white shutters and a white picket fence. Therewas a swing on the porch, perfect for looking at the stars late at night and enjoying a coffee first thing in the morning. He ran around the car and opened the door for her. As they went inside, he went right into showing her around.

“It’s fully furnished. It has a nice living room and kitchen, open concept. Full bathroom and three bedrooms. The basement needs some work, but that’s okay there will be lots of time for that.” He looked at her, wondering if she had caught on yet.

“Okay, it’s very nice. I'll give you that, but I still don’t know what's going on.” She crossed her arms and raised her brows.

“Okay, check out this room. This might help you figure it out.” He smiled as he opened the door and saw the surprised look on her face as she spotted the crib, changing table, and little dresser. He watched her as she walked in and looked around in awe. The walls were painted with soft colors, and there was a woodland scene on the far wall of animals and a beautiful little waterfall. “There’s a rocking chair over there for feeding times. It used to belong to my great-grandmother. It was fun trying to get that from my mother without telling her exactly what I wanted it for.” He watched as tears of joy welled up in her eyes

“Spencer, are you asking me what I think you are?” she asked, walking to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I think you know what I'm saying.” He placed his hands on her waist and took a deep breath. “Adria, will you be my mate, my Luna? I want and need you, for the rest of our lives. I love you more than I could ever tell you, or show you, but I want to take the rest of our lives trying.” He took another deep breath, waiting with nervous anticipation for her response.

“Spencer, I love you so much. I will love you forever. Yes, I accept.” She smiled, as she pulled him to her and kissed him softly. Spencer kissed her back hard, relief and love washingover him. When he pulled away, he saw that look in her eyes from the first time he took her, and his heart started thumping.

“Where’s the master bedroom?” she whispered with a sly smile.

Spencer picked her up and wrapped her legs around him, kissing her as he took her to their room. He gently laid her on the bed and started undoing the buttons of her shirt while kissing her neck.

She moaned as he moved his hand under her bra and played with her hard peaks, moving from one to the other, feeling their tautness. He could feel her body arch, wanting more. He felt her hands stroke his back, slowly moving down to his waist. He quivered as she moved her hands to his chest. He took off her shirt and bra and took her nipple in his mouth, suckling each one until she softly cried out. Undoing her pants, he slid his hand down and felt the inviting moistness between her legs. Her warmth and wetness had him throbbing with desire. When she tried to touch his pants, he moved away.

“Not yet,” he whispered, moving to the end of the bed and slowly pulling off her pants and underwear. He watched her hooded gaze, as he slowly kissed up her legs to her thighs. Slowly, he parted her legs and kissed her wet spot. Her hips buckled as he licked and kissed, swirling his tongue around her most sensitive spot. He felt her hands on his head guiding him, she moaned his name over and over as the moistness dripped from her.

“Spencer, please,” she begged. He couldn’t take it anymore, feeling her tremble under his kisses, and tasting her pleasure drove him crazy. He pulled away and flipped her over. Taking off his pants, he grabbed her hips and pulled her to the end of the bed. Slowly, he slid into her, feeling her warm folds take every inch of him. She moaned again as he went deeper anddeeper. He kept the rhythm slow, as he felt her get tighter and tighter.

He held on as long as he could until she yelled, “Harder! Harder please!”

Spencer let loose and drove into her over and over, feeling her pleasure wash over him. He released inside of her, pounding every last drop into her. The pure bliss he felt had him shaking along with her. Slowly, he pulled away from her, and they both collapsed on the bed, breathing hard and smiling.

Chapter 13 - Adria

Adria sighed as she looked out the front window of her new house. She rubbed her belly and wondered how it would feel when growing bigger. How it would feel when the baby starts moving and kicking. She smiled at the thought of her and Spencer sitting together, his hand on her belly, feeling their baby moving around, watching his eyes full of excitement and love.

She wondered how her mother felt when was pregnant. Adria wished that she was with her, that she could help her along as only a mother could. She knew she would tell her baby all about their grandmother, how she gave up her life to protect her family. She decided not to say anything about her father. To her, he didn’t exist; he didn't deserve to have any recognition, even if it was negative. He was a passing thought in the wind that didn’t matter. She decided to say that she never knew him, never knew of him, and that nobody had any stories to tell of him as they would of her mother. She was thankful that Spencer agreed to this as well, to keep the memory of her mother alive and to forget her father even existed.

What mattered the most was the family and friends she was surrounded by, and they were surrounded by a whole town. Their pack had proven they would do anything to protect each other, keep each other safe, and defend their home at all costs. Adria thought about how lucky she was to have had the life she did, and she knew that their baby would, too, with Spencer by her side.
