Page 21 of Broken By the Alpha

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Spencer had been busy lately setting up for the town's victory celebration. They were going all out, having a huge outdoor BBQ by the oak tree in the town center. Some people were hanging decorations and setting out tables and chairs. Others were gathering the food, making salads, and setting up a drink table for adults and one for the children. Spencer hadasked her opinion on many things, from what time and day to do it to what color he should use for tablecloths and paper plates. She loved that he included her in everything that was going on. She loved being treated like a real Luna; she couldn’t wait for it to be made official.

Moira, Beth, and Everley made good on their promise to keep her pregnancy a secret but couldn’t help talking about a baby shower when they were alone. They were all very impressed with the house Spencer had bought for them to live together and raise their family. Beth even decided, begrudgingly, that she could take Spencer off her bad list.

Adria laughed when she said, “I guess buying you a house, getting you to stay, and, I don’t know, saving your life… I guess I can let him back in the good books.” She smirked.

Adria knew that Beth would always keep a close eye on Spencer. She would be the first one to let Spencer know if he stepped out of line again, and she would have no problems telling him how to get back, Alpha or not. She loved that Beth was fiercely protective of their little group of girls. Beth was a force to be reckoned with if crossed the wrong way.

Adria decided to walk to the town square and enjoy the warm, sunny afternoon. She loved seeing the other people on their way as well. It warmed her heart that anyone she waved to and smiled at returned her greeting. She loved the feeling of home. When she got to the oak tree and saw the tables lined with the blue tablecloths she picked out and the lanterns strung up, creating a square around the tree, she was happy to see it all coming together. Two huge BBQs were set up and the first round of burgers was cooking up. She spied Spencer talking to a couple of the council members about when to start the fireworks show and where they had them go off. She waited for the conversation to finish before tapping him on the shoulder. When he turned around, he smiled ear-to-ear and kissed her gently.

“Am I glad to see you,” he said.

“How's everything going so far?” she asked, knowing it was a loaded question.

“Well, Bart is arguing with his brother on how to cook the burgers. They’re both self-proclaimed BBQ experts. Lindsey keeps asking if there are enough lanterns, as she's worried about people drinking in the dark. And the Donnelly triplets keep asking if they can set off the fireworks. I think those three boys are going to end up as demolition experts. I just hope they learn how to do it safely,” he finished, smiling as she laughed.

“Sounds like you are having so much fun,” she chided him.

“It’s not all bad. I am, however, worried about the speech I have to make. I'm not used to public speaking, but I guess that’s part of the job.” He shrugged.

“Yes, that it is. You'll be fine, don't worry. I’ll be right here beside you.” she rubbed his arms up to his shoulders as he slid his hands around her waist.

“That’s the best part about all of this. You being by my side.” he leaned down and kissed her softly.

“Oh, get a room, you two,” she heard Madox joke from behind her. “Not to break this up, but things are starting to get underway, and your presence is requested to address the towns folk,” he finished, as they both turned around.

“You got this, Spencer,” she reassured him as he took a deep breath and followed Madox to the small podium by the tree. As he stepped up to the mic, he cleared his throat, causing a squeal of feedback to pierce through the crowd gathering in front of him. There were some jeers and laughter that subsided quickly.

“Well, I guess I have your attention.” He laughed. “We are all here today to celebrate a glorious victory. Our kind has experienced all kinds of hardships. Having to hide from thehumans, keep ourselves secret. Defend ourselves from common and uncommon enemies. We even have to protect ourselves from other packs from time to time. Our kind has come a long way over the decades, the centuries. We have learned to live peacefully and secluded but still maintain our pack community, our pack rules, and standards. Because of this we have thrived and grown as wolves, as a pack, as a community. We will always stand together; we will always protect our town, our pack, no matter what stands in front of us. We proved this just a little while ago. We worked together and defeated a threat that put not just our lives in danger, but the lives of wolves all over the world. So, today we celebrate our strength and unity”

Spencer stepped back as the crowd cheered and clapped.

Adria locked eyes with him, as he waited for the crowd to calm down. She saw such love in his eyes she went weak in the knees. She thought he was finished when he smiled and winked at her, causing her to raise an eyebrow of suspicion. Stepping back up to the podium, he continued, “There is something else I need to say. I know that lots of people have been wondering, and I think it's time to hush the rumors and let something very important to me come to light.”

Spencer motioned for Adria to come closer. Her heart skipped a beat as Beth gently pushed her to go. As she approached him, she looked at him perplexed.

“What are you doing?” she whispered to him. All he did was wink at her again and continued his speech.

“I want everyone to know that I am in love with Adria. I have asked her to be my mate, my Luna, and she has accepted.” He held up a hand before anyone started clapping and finished, “And we are expecting our first child.”

Adria gasped, as the crowd erupted with hoots and hollers of approval. She knew there would be a formal announcement, but she didn’t know that he would choose this time to do it. Sheloved that he was full of surprises, that he was spontaneous, and that he had declared his love for her to everyone. Adria laughed, as she hadn't expected this surprise of making them official but was overjoyed that they were.

She hugged him tightly and whispered, “I love you so much” in his ear.

“I love you too,” he whispered back.

For the rest of the afternoon, she and Spencer were given handshakes and hugs, warm wishes, and offers for any help needed. Everyone was so happy for them; a few even told them it was about time, that they knew they were made for each other. She was mobbed by her friends who were so happy they could talk about it freely now; they could finally start planning the baby shower. Adria had a feeling it was going to be the biggest one the town had ever seen.

The festivities were a whirlwind of laughter and joy, good food, and great people. When the fireworks started, Adria snuggled into Spencer and sighed, as she felt him kiss her head. She knew her life was now complete.


