Page 31 of Paint Me A Murder

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Fiona opened the door and vowed to do something wonderful for Jessica. The loft looked amazing. The blinds were open, the kitchen had been cleaned and everything was tidied up. There was even a vase with a bouquet of wildflowers sitting on the corner of the kitchen island.

“This really is a nice place,” said Slade. “I can see why you like it.”

“It’s not very big, but it was the economical thing to do when I bought the building, and like I said, I’d like to be able to rent it out if and when I ever decide to move.”

Slade walked around the space. Fiona thought about how right he looked in it. He ran his hands along the tops of the furniture.

“You have great taste. You’re very tactile, aren’t you?”

She nodded. “So are you.”

“I am. If I hadn’t already decided there was no way you could have anything to do with Daniel’s murder, this would have clinched it for me. I don’t think someone who was tactile could have performed the mutilations.”

“I wrote about them in my book, though…”

“It’s one thing to write about them; quite another to actually perform them.” He walked over to the whiteboard by her writing space. “Love the desk. You have the most interesting mix of antiques—all over the place in terms of time, but you’ve mixed them skillfully together.” He turned her murder board around. “And then there’s this beauty. Nothing vintage or antique about it. Very high tech. What do you normally use it for?”

“A lot of times I plot books out on it. Well, not plot, but outline.”

“I don’t see anything bookish about it.”

Fiona grinned, walked over to her desk, booted up her computer and hit the app that interfaced with the board. It superimposed her plot over the face of the board, showing key plot points, pictures, inspirational items, and the like.

“Okay, that is too cool for words. Did I mention I’m a computer geek? The techs hate me because I think I know way more than I actually do, and I end up getting in their way.”

“I find it hard to believe you are any kind of geek,” she laughed.

Slade pulled her to him and took her lips in a brief, but intense kiss. “That’s because you only want me for my body.”

It was so easy to laugh with Slade. “That must be it.” She closed down the book outline. “Christie gave all of us one for Christmas.”

“That’s a great gift and top of the line. The one we have isn’t nearly as good, and you’ve done a good job on your murder board.”

“There isn’t much there…”

“It’s the beginning of the investigation. We don’t know much. But I would like to go down and get your store records concerning who bought the book locally. I’ll get our tech guys started on that list and on putting together what we need for a warrant for the major retailers.”

“There are a few other independent brick and mortar bookstores in the area that we could check out.”

“Give me a list, and I’ll have Went call them.”

“A request for that information might come better from me. I’ll have them send it to you or Went, but I just think they’ll say yes faster and make me jump through fewer hoops.”

Slade nodded. “You’re right; you have a relationship with them. Good thinking.”

“Let’s go over what else you have.” He was interrupted by his phone. “Thanks, Went.” He ended the call. “Good news. We can shore up your alibi and officially cross you off the list. Your car’s location parked around back has been confirmed by three different people at three different times.”

“What if I used a different vehicle?”

“You don’t own any other vehicles; we checked the records for car rental agencies; and nobody’s reported a stolen car. Anything else?” he said with a grin.

“Nope. Looks like I’m officially off the suspect list.”

“But I do think your comment about anyone else who bought the book might be on target.”

“Or had some kind of connection with either Daniel or Angel’s Rise.”
