Page 48 of Bloom

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“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.”

He laughed quietly. “What’s another deal breaker for you? Aside from the lying and cheating.”

“If we went out somewhere and you were rude to the sales staff or wait staff, like if you spoke down to them, that’d be a deal breaker for me,” I admitted. “No one is better than anyone else, regardless of job title or wealth.”

He smiled. “I like that. And as someone who is in customer service, I totally agree.”

“You deal with horrible people?”

“All the time.”

I scrunched my nose up. “It’s so gross. I’m honestly surprised I don’t see it more, given my line of work. I deal with some incredibly wealthy people and they’ve all been fairly decent so far. I mean, they might be complete douches and be horrible people in general, but they’re nice to me and any other staff I’ve seen them interact with. Though there was one woman, an Instagram fitness influencer of all things. I met her for a prelim, to see if we could work together, and she made her young assistant cry in front of me. She was a nasty piece of work. I told her she wasn’t anyone I would associate my name with and walked out. I won’t stand for it.”

He seemed pleased about this. “Good for you.”

“And I guess someone who wanted to be in my life would need to meet Cory. He’s my best friend. He tried to tell me that my ex was trash, and I should have listened. Plus, Jasonnever liked Cory and that should have been a sign. I guess I just wanted to see something that wasn’t there.” I smiled at Keats. “Remember what you said to me after you helped me deliver those flowers to him?”

His gaze met mine. “I said you deserved better.”

“You did. And I do.” I nodded slowly. “And I think I found him.”

His smile was slow and warm, his eyes full of sincerity. “Maybe I should meet Cory. You know, just to be sure.”

Jeez, I had to drag Jason kicking and screaming to meet him, and here Keats was volunteering. Proof that I’d definitely found myself a good one.

My heart felt two times too big for my chest. “Maybe you should.”

“He wants to meet you,”I said.

Cory and I were doing our weekly Sunday afternoon catch-up. No matter how busy our weeks were, we always made time for each other. Sometimes it was running errands; sometimes trips to a dry cleaner or laundromat. Sometimes it was a trip to his family or mine. Today’s catch-up was groceries in Woolworths.

He stopped pushing his trolley. “Meet me? Already?”

“I know! I’m telling you, Core, he’s different. The man is a walking green flag. Well, at least I think he is. I need you to tell me what I’m not seeing. I mean, he’s perfect.” I had to stop using that word. “Well, he’s perfect for me.”

“You slept with him already?”

“Wow. Judgement is in aisle five, okay? We’re only in aisle two.”

He rolled his eyes. “You know I’m not judging you.” He put his manicured hand to his chest. “Darling, I am no one to judge. I haven’t told you about what happened last night yet. But I know you. You sleep with them and you catch feelings.”

“You sleep with random men and catch?—”

A woman walked past and gave us the stink eye.

“Judgement is in aisle five,” Cory told her.

I took his hand and pulled him away before he could get into a smack down with Stink Eye Susan and her basket full of plant-based tofu. Christ. Did she even know what tofu was?

Marketing really preyed on the stupid.

I looked up and down the mostly empty aisle. “It wasn’t just sex. It was...” I shook my head and tried to keep my voice down. “Cory, it was so much more. It was the best sex of my life. I can’t even describe it.”

His eyes lit up. “How good?”

“Is it possible for his dick to shoot meth or cocaine? Because I’m seriously addicted after one time. I need more of whatever the fuck he did to me. I’m not even kidding. Do fat mushroom-headed cocks have some magic-mushroom jizz?”

Cory roared, laughing so loud that the man at the end of the aisle stopped and stared. “Yeah, I think I would have heard about that before now. Or had it myself.”
