Page 96 of Fourth and Long

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A car pulls up behind us, but I ignore it.

I force myself to let go of Slater’s hand.

I throw open the door and stumble onto the front lawn. Slater emerges from the driver’s side. He looks at me like I’m crazy—because, let’s face it, I’m acting crazy.

He’s only been here a week and I can safely say it’s been one of the best weeks of my life. He’s been a little moody because his team lost last Sunday, but it’s nothing like when we first met.

If his team had won, they would be bound for the Super Bowl. They were so close. With four minutes left, they tied the game. They opted for a normal kickoff. When San Francisco got the ball, they ran out the clock and kicked a field goal as time expired. It was heartbreaking for the team, although it was less heartbreaking for Slater than it would have been if he’d been playing instead of Randy.

Although I flew to Sacramento for the rest of Slater’s regular-season home games, I didn’t see him once the playoffs started. It’s the longest stretch we’ve gone without seeing each other since we officially started dating. It sucked, but talking every day made it easier, and it’s been glorious now that we’re in the same city.

Or, it was glorious—until we got in the car to go have dinner at my father’s house. My family has been begging me to meet Slater and I don’t have an excuse any longer, so here we are.

Slater stops in front of me and glances over my shoulder. His brows pull together. Before I can turn to follow his gaze, I hear, “Hello, darling.”

My mouth falls open as I register my mother’s voice.

“Mom,” I say when I spin around.

“I thought we were going to be late.” She halts a few feet away, a tentative smile on her face. She got back from London a few weeks ago, and she’s been different. Very different.

“We had to go back for the wine,” Leo, her boyfriend, adds. He holds up two bottles.

He’s a photographer and possibly the nicest man I’ve ever met. While traveling, she hired him to teach her how to take photographs, but it seems he taught her a lot more than that. They got to know each other, and when she came back, she brought him with her. They’ve been inseparable, which is nice—and more than a little weird.

I have not gotten used to this new version of her. Mostly because she’s so happy now.

“You…uh…why…what are you doing here?” My brain cannot compute my mother standing on my father’s front lawn.

On a positive note, my nerves are now buried under miles of confusion. Slater steps into my space. His arm snakes around my back and his thigh presses against mine. I’ve never been more grateful to have him by my side. Although, now I have to introduce him to both of my parents at the same time. Yikes.

“Your father invited us.” My mother clasps her hands together in front of her body. “He and I have decided to bury the hatchet. We’re going to be one of those blended families where everyone gets together regardless of how awkward things are.”

“You spoke to my father?” I’m in shock, so it’s a question and a statement.

My mother releases her hands and sinks her fingers into Leo’s arm. “I…umm…hadn’t been fully conscious of how pointedly I’ve ignored your father since he left. Getting away made me realize how much I’ve missed by wallowing in the past, so when I got back, I called him. We cleared the air, and while it isn’t comfortable between us, we’ve decided to make things work. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to get your hopes up…in case things went sideways.”

“You’ve decided to make things work,” I repeat, because I can’t fathom it.

The front door opens and my father steps onto the porch. “Why is everyone standing on the front lawn?” he asks.

“We…uh…arrived at the same time,” my mother says.

My world shifts on its axis.

My mother spoke to my father.

He moves toward us at a relaxed pace, as if everything is normal.

My brothers appear in the doorway and then join us on the lawn. They stare at Slater with wide eyes. A moment later, Libby appears. She lingers on the porch. No one speaks. My whole family is together—except Kelsey. It is weird as shit, and I miss my sister. She’s the only person, besides me, who’d be able to fully appreciate what’s happening.

Slater kisses the side of my forehead, and I realize I can handle this. I’ve wanted to breach the divide in my family since I was ten years old. This isn’t how I would have chosen to do it, but I’m too smart to ignore the opportunity.

If introducing my boyfriend to my mother and father at the same time is the first thing I do in this new reality, maybe it’s the beginning of a better future?

With an unhinged smile, I turn to my parents.

“Mom. Dad.” I take a deep breath. “This is boyfriend, Slater.”

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