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His hand slid across my shoulders and pulled me back into him. I curled into him, feeling the safety of his touch. “What’s wrong?” he asked softly into the hair at the top of my head, the worry apparent in his voice.

“I was just thinking about what to do if you try to kill me once we’re on your island,” I replied, trying to hide my thoughts.

“Are you really concerned about that?” Shocked, he sat up straighter.

“Shouldn’t I be? I hardly know you.” I shrugged, continuing with the argument even though I was no longer able to keep the smile from my face.

“I would never touch you without your consent, Alexandra,” he replied not acknowledging the levity of humor I was trying to introduce.

My heart melted at the earnestness in his voice, and I knew he was not lying. He would never hurt me; he was clear about his intent. It was me who should be honest so he knew what he was getting himself into. Unfortunately, now was not the time for such tales. So, I spoke the truth he needed to hear.

“I know.” I moved in closer. “I have not felt this safe in a long time, Sebastian.”

“Truly?” His reaction pleased and delighted me, his face was alight with joy and pride.

“Yes.” I closed my eyes as he held me close. We fit together perfectly. I breathed him in and let the darkness engulf me. Sleep overtook me, and to my delight, I dreamed of Sebastian Huntington’s euphoric touch.

I sat on the marble countertop waiting for the phone call to connect. It was the first morning I was up before him, and I needed to fill in my best friend. The bathroom was bigger than my hotel room in Chicago. I shook my head at the extravagance, smoothing the soft texture of the towel next to me as the line connected.

“Hi,” a breathless Phoebe answered.

“Pheebs, you’re never going to believe where I am!” I whispered.

“What? Is everything okay?” The worry in her voice warmed my heart. I know I’ve put her through a lot over the past year and a half.

“Yes, I’m in the bathroom, I just didn't want to wake Sebastian.”

“So you're with Sebastian?! The last I knew, you were planning to leave Chicago.” I knew she wouldn’t settle for anything short of the whole story, so I filled her in on the turn of events after I’d kicked him out of my hotel room.

“I stepped onto the private jet as Alexandra running from her life and now…” I sighed into the phone, overwhelmed by the whirlwind of the past few days. Phoebe patiently waited for the conclusion of the story. “Now, I feel like a whole new person. I had been so relaxed that I forgot to connect my phone to the wifi for the past few days. Crazy, right?” I let the information settle with her for a minute.

“So, you’re on an island in the middle of the ocean with a man you have known for four days? I don’t know about this Xandra.” Her apprehension was clear.

I tried to ease her mind, and by the end of our conversation, I was sure she agreed that staying with Sebastian in the middle of nowhere was the right decision. After hanging up, I slid back into bed. Sebastian was still fast asleep.

“Wake up, Sebastian,” I whispered into his ear, nudging him to get out of bed so we could go and have our customary breakfast at the beach. It was our third day on the island, and I had never felt more alive. It almost felt as if I had escaped everything that had ever troubled me.

“Not yet,” he whispered, his arms circling my waist as he tucked me into bed with him despite my squeals of protest.

“We should have breakfast. It’s getting late!”

“I want to stay in bed with you, Alexandra. We can have breakfast whenever we want,” he replied, finally opening his eyes to look at me. “And I have better things to do.” His lustful grin and the heat in his eyes told me exactly what he wanted to do. He pulled me next to him and kissed me.

I lived with my last boyfriend, and the days I spent with him didn’t compare to my time with Sebastian. There was something about Sebastian that made me feel closer to him. I fell in love with every quirk, every gesture, every flaw, and everything about him. I wished I could name this feeling, but it was unlike anything I had ever felt. Love was not enough to express myaffection. Sebastian had taken my heart and reminded me of what joy felt like.

“No, we should get out of bed before noon today.” I pulled away from him with a smile and sat up in bed. Suddenly, my head began to spin uncontrollably.

I tried to stay as still as I could, but a splitting headache forced me to put my hands over my eyes as if that pressure might somehow end the stabbing. My body began to shiver, and I slumped down. Before I knew what was happening, Sebastian’s arms wrapped around me tightly, and his expression transformed into extreme concern.

“Alexandra? Look at me. Alexandra?” His voice was frantic and rushed.

“I’m here,” I whispered, his words bringing me out of my trancelike state. “I’m fine,” I tried to reassure him.

“You are not.” He shook his head, and his grip on my arms became firmer. “Tell me, what’s the matter? Are you not feeling well?”

“No,” I replied honestly, not wanting to lie. “I’ve been getting bad headaches at times, and they leave me faint and out of breath. And my senses have suddenly become very sensitive. I can smell things from miles away. I don’t know what’s happening, but I can tell it isn’t good.”

“Do you want to see a doctor? I can have someone flown here within an hour and they can do a complete checkup.” He looked both worried and serious.
