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“I would love to go away with you.” I used the power of positivity to ask her, and she made me the happiest person in the world.

Chapter nine


I got out of the car and looked over at the intimidating jet. It was white with a stripe down the side, and the nose of the plane was so sharp, it reminded me of a majestic crane’s beak. The cockpit was a band of glass stretching proudly before the awaiting open door and staircase. The two massive engines flanked the tail fin, and I was taken aback by its presence. Sebastian insisted on having his driver take us to the airport. He neglected to mention we would be flying on his airplane.

“We are going in a private jet?!” I asked incredulously, staring at the massive jet in front of me. The car drove directly to the plane. If I had doubted he was rich, I was certain now.

Who owned a private jet?No one around me, for sure.

“Bright Eyes, do you think commercial flights take you to private islands?” He chuckled, humor evident in his gaze, enjoying my reaction.

“So, everyone who owns a private island must own a private jet?”

“Absolutely. It’s pointless otherwise,” he replied, sliding his hand around my waist, a familiar gesture I have begun to welcome. His chest was puffed out in pride, and I swooned at his side.

It was still surprising that I had only known him a little more than twenty-four hours, and there I stood by his private jet, ready to fly to an unknown island with him. Only a very brave—or very stupid—person would do such a thing, and I was certain I was the latter.

What if he kills me? Or what if he was a sadist who would torture me?I shook my head clear before any other heinous ideas formed. I knew him, and that was not him.

I have to trust him.

The decision had been mine, and I had taken it because it had felt right. It was almost as if my destiny was laid out before me, and he was a part of it. Nothing about Sebastian felt wrong. He was a part of me. The spot at the nape of my neck warmed at the thought of him, the feeling filling me with pleasure.

“Pointless? Isn't an island surrounded by water? Wouldn't you need a boat?” I joked as he escorted me through the door to where the captain and crew were waiting for us.

“I have one of those, too,” Sebastian whispered in my ear, pulling away with a wink before turning to greet the captain. “Charles, good to see you back.”

“Happy to be back, Mr. Huntington. And Miss Silvers,” he looked over Sebastian's shoulder toward me with a warm smile before turning back to his friend.

I looked at Sebastian, and his smile put my mind to rest. “Yes, a quick visit home.” He continued to chat with the captain.

Who was this Captain Charles that knew my name?I had been off the radar and hidden for the past six months, and now, this stranger knew me? He was very familiar with Sebastian, so perhaps the fact that everything was private was a good thing. I would be safely hidden away and a week of not having to look over my shoulder was what I needed. I tried to focus back on the conversation.

“You will be at your island in about four hours. We should have smooth sailing. Enjoy your flight.”

Charles looked at me and held out his hand. I took it and he leaned in closer. “I will get you there safely,” he assured me directly as if we shared an inside joke. He released my hand and disappeared into the cockpit, closing the door behind him.

I followed the direction of the flight attendant who ushered us to the seats. The interior was every bit as luxurious as I had imagined, and I couldn't help but be in awe of everything around Sebastian. He was composed of lean muscles that always fit perfectly in his clothes. His beautiful form had me fantasizing.As he sat on the couch, I looked at him, question in my eyes. Should I sit next to him or in the chair across the aisle?

“I saved you a seat right here, Bright Eyes.” He raised his eyes and spoke with authority and decisive assurance, but it was the small pat on the seat that had me wanting to be beneath it, and my body reacted without any assistance.

I eased onto the luxurious couch next to him. It went by in a blur of drinks and snacks. I couldn't believe this was happening. I looked over to find Sebastian gazing at me with such lust and desire that I blushed and gave into the thrum of pleasure radiating from the mark that remained from his love bite.

I was behaving so out of character, but I felt more like myself than I ever had. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. I needed to feel our connection, to have him inside me, so we were one. No matter how dangerous it felt to be exposed with this man, he was worth the risk.

I put my drink down and slid my hand up his chest, pressing into him. My nipples rose from the heat and pressure, and I rolled my neck to better angle my face upward. He crashed down onto my lips, his tongue unapologetically claiming my mouth. As the pressure built, I found my hand rubbing his inner thigh, finding him thick and hard beneath it.

I wanted it out.My hands worked together as he held my mouth to his in a demanding kiss. I slid one hand then the other down his now-freed shaft. I wasted no time sliding my panties aside and raising myself to straddle his massive form.

I sank onto his body, allowing him to fill me with my skirt hiked up my thighs. I slid down his growing tool as it provided me with waves of pleasure. The mark at my neck warmed as if his mouth was back upon it; the steady hum heated my core with unexpected stimulation. But his lips were devouring mine with a hunger that would never be satiated. My core was hot and wet, as ready for him as he was for me. His hands moved to my hips, and he drove deeper and faster inside of me. I released his mouth to moan his name. The pleasure circulated on a current through my body, its climax constricting in waves across my abdomen.

“Yes, Alexandra...” he growled as he thrust. My name on his rich deep baritone voice vibrated me to my core. I quivered on his thickening member as it pulsed inside me with his release. He captured my mouth in his and with a grab of my ass, I felt our bodies hum in our joined connection, both finding what we had searched for. The climax came in waves as my hips slowed and I clenched around his shaft, enjoying the sensation of our bodies entwined.

I lay like that reeling in the afterglow until my mind stepped in and ruined the moment.

You are making a mistake.You need to run.I slid off of him and moved to the seat next to him. I knew this was a bad idea. I was not the girl that got the “happily ever after.” I needed to stay on the move. Would this week be a retreat or a deadly mistake? I slid my hands to my eyes, willing the thoughts to go away.
