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“No, what I wish is that my guys had caught up with you the night before. But hey, dreams came true for both of us,” he smiled. “You shouldn’t have made me chase you. I spent a small fortune to bring you home, Alexandra. I didn't think you had it in you to stay on the run for as long as you did.”

“What do you want, Damien? Revenge? Just kill me and get it over with,” I said, trying to maintain a brave face even though my body curled up in pain at my words. I didn't deserve to die, even if he’d lost his friend.

Where are you, Sebastian?I was surprised to find myself longing for him. I guess it took running into the arms of the wrong man to know who was the right one.

“No, Alexandra. I want a lot more than revenge.”

“You won’t be able to do anything, Damien. I don’t understand why you want me to suffer. You tried to gang-rape me with your friends! I’m glad your friend died,” I replied, filling my words with venom. I would not bow down to this man. He remembered me as a scared, desperate girl he could bully, but I had changed.

“I have you now, Alexandra. No matter how much of a brave face you put on, I can smell your fear.” His smile was poisonous, and it made me feel sick.

How would I get away? Damien was the master of deception, and I had wrapped my world around him. I found all of my value and self-worth in his love for me. I hadn't realized he was a sick man until it was too late. When his friend died, he vowed to make me pay. The simple fact that he had been chasing me for months was enough to tell me that he would never let me go. I had to get away. But how?

“I’ve hidden from you before. I can do it again. Trust me, Damien. You won’t find me again,” I spat, trying to stay as calm as I could.

I don’t know how long it had been since I ran from the hotel and left Sebastian behind, but I yearned to turn back time so I could stay in his arms. Although, if he had feelings for me, he would surely be looking for me. A corner of my heart and the mark on my neck kept telling me that Sebastian would find me. He had to.

“You’re right,” Damien said, pulling me from my thoughts. He circled the empty room like a predator. The room was silent other than his footsteps, and the lack of traffic or people murmuring was unnerving.

Where are we?I wondered.

“I was so pleased when I learned you were in Chicago. You slipped through my fingers at first, but to my delight, I found you with Sebastian Huntington. Your first mistake was that you all but sent me an invitation to get you from the island, but transportation was a bitch.”

He knew Sebastian? How?

“What do you mean?” I was confused but refused to let it show.

“You were nearly impossible to find when you were alone, but when you tied yourself to Sebastian, you put a target on your back. He is prominent and traceable, so you became prominent, too. I thought you were smarter than that.”

He had found me through Sebastian. Was it a misunderstanding? Sebastian was as low-key as I was, and he had never engaged with the media or paparazzi.

“Sebastian and I were never out in public. You found me on your own. Don’t lie to me, Damien,” I warned.

He began to laugh uncontrollably, his laughter echoing eerily around the empty room. Chills ran down my spine, and I continued to loosen my rope as best I could.

“Did your beloved Sebastian not tell you the truth?” Damien asked, and I shook my head.

Sebastian had told me everything, but I couldn’t let Damien know. I couldn’t give him any information that could be used against me or Sebastian, so I had to be careful. How did Damien know that Sebastian was a werewolf?

“What truth?” I asked, acting naïve.

“It’s strange how you two spent so much time together and you still don't know the whole story. He must not have trusted youenough. Poor Alexandra.” He was trying to make me question myself. I knew what he was doing. He had done it to me for a year before I ran away. His manipulation would fall on deaf ears today.

“I would rather be hurt over something important than by your lies and exaggerations,” I exclaimed. I needed to be alone to think. How would Damien know anything about Sebastian?

“I have no reason to lie, Alexandra.” Damien shook his head. “I’m telling you the story your beloved Sebastian refused to. It’s a shame he was only pretending to have feelings for you to win your trust.”

I ignored Damien as he rambled, lost in my thoughts. But if Damien knew the truth about Sebastian, could it mean that Damien was also a werewolf? I shook my head at the absurdity. That couldn’t be true.

“Are you listening to me?”

I looked up and Damien was standing in front of me, making me feel dirty again even though he had yet to touch me.

“I am,” I replied, relaxing the ropes in my hand. I couldn’t let Damien see that they were loosened. I had to find an escape route before he killed me, or worse.

“Do you know what I’m going to do to you, Alexandra?” he asked, bending to look at me. I couldn’t believe that I would have done anything for this man just one year ago. He’d convinced me that I was nothing without him. When I realized I had lostmyself in our relationship, I tried to change back. Unfortunately, I was not enough for him without being just as he wanted. I knew I was not safe with him, but it wasn’t until he offered me as a prize to his friends that I understood the danger I was in. If circumstances had not forced me to run away, I probably never would have left. Now, I would be strong, Now, I would fight for myself.

“Yes. You’re going to kill me like I killed your friend.”
