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“Yes, she was. But she hasn’t called me to tell me where she went.”

“We had an argument, and she ran away. I searched for her, but she’s nowhere in Chicago. You need to find out where sheis, Phoebe. Call her. Text her.” My voice remained calm, but my heart beat frantically.

Where is she?My mind kept picturing her in the most horrifying scenarios, but I would save her from each one.I will find her.I transformed my thoughts to make sure I was projecting the truth I wanted to happen.

“Why should I listen to you? And why do you need to reach her?” Phoebe asked, but she was already picking up her phone and dialing.

“I love her, Phoebe. She is my other half. I need her, and I can’t let her run into danger without a safety net. Please, let me be her safety net.” Phoebe didn’t reply, but her face twisted in concern as she removed the phone from her ear and dialed again. “What’s wrong?”

“Her phone is off.”

“Has that happened before?”

“Never.” Phoebe shook her head, and my worry intensified. No one could disappear from Chicago as quickly as Alexandra had, which led me to believe she wasn't safe, and I was running out of time. I needed to know it all, and talking to Phoebe was faster than getting the file from my car.

“Why is she on the run, Phoebe? Who is he?” Phoebe’s eyes widened again, and she shook her head, trying to fight the words that were dying to come out.

“It’s not my secret to tell,” she replied, still trying to contact Alexandra. “Her phone isn’t connecting. This can’t be happening.” She closed her eyes against the overwhelming reality.

“Phoebe I need to know the truth. I know you don’t know me, and you have no reason to trust me, but Alexandra is in a lot of trouble right now, and she needs our help. Let’s help her together.” I hoped to convince her to help me because it was going to be harder without her knowledge.

“I shouldn't, Sebastian,” she whispered, running a hand through her hair. I could see the cracks in her resolve as she debated. So, I pushed a bit harder.

“We need to find her, Phoebe. You’re the only person who can help.”

“How did you even know she was on the run? There’s no way she told you that.”

“I notice things,” I explained. “She hides her face when she’s in public, and she has an aversion to anything about her recent past. She was hiding something. No woman would live in a hotel room in a strange city without a reason. Tell me, please.”

“I am only telling this to you because I think if there was anyone who could help her, it’s you. And she can’t spend her life being afraid,” Phoebe reasoned, trying to convince herself more than me. “She killed someone.”

“What?” This was the last thing I expected to hear.How could Alexandra have murdered anyone?

“That’s impossible,” I said incredulously, refusing to believe it.

“She had a boyfriend for no more than a year. Damien. One day, Damien brought his friends over, and she was their reward for a job well done, but when they all tried to rape her, Alexandra defended herself and badly injured one of them. He later died. Damien threatened to exact revenge for his friend, and Alexandra had no choice but to run. She’s been hiding from him ever since.”

“Fuck,” I whispered. The story was far worse than I imagined. She was running from a crime she had committed in self-defense. She had been hiding because of something that wasn’t her fault. This couldn’t be true. I had to do something.

“Do you think Damien could have gotten her?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

“When she was on the island with you, she kept getting messages from an unknown number. ‘Hide all you want. I’m coming to get you.’ I think Damien found her,” Phoebe whispered through tears.

“I would never let him lay a finger on her,” I said through gritted teeth, my blood boiling with the threat of my promise. Alexandra was in his hands, and I was stuck here trying to solve the mystery of her location. I had to find her and bring her back. She was mine, and I would protect her at all costs.

Chapter thirteen


I opened my eyes in the dimly lit room, and my head pounded uncontrollably. My body felt like someone was pricking me with tiny needles, and the point of injection on my neck was stiff.Where am I?I looked around, unable to recognize anything until a very familiar pair of green eyes walked into the room, his cruel gaze trained on me.


“I thought seeing you was a dream,” I whispered, my throat dry. The terror in my body would have been greater if I had the energy to be scared, but instead, I felt nothing. He’d already kidnapped me, what more could he do?

“I’m flattered to know you still dream of me,” he chuckled, enjoying my misery. My hands and legs were tied; I knew I was trapped. Getting out of here would not be easy, but I knew I hadto escape. Damien meant trouble, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his goal was my murder. He had threatened that for months.

“You wish,” I replied, trying to loosen the ropes on my hands behind the chair. The effort seemed useless, but I didn’t give up.
