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“How does this help us find Alexandra?” I interrupted, desperate to find her and needing this to be important.

“Let me finish the story, boy,” he snapped back, and I slumped back in silent submission. “Killing the alpha was her only way out of the pack, so that’s what Sarah did. I believe Damien was one of his cubs. You are well aware of what happens to an alpha’s family once the alpha dies." He didn’t need to point out that I was an alpha’s son. Damien and I might have had similar backgrounds, but we were nothing alike.

“The pack was in a heap of blood by the time the dust settled. I suppose that’s when she became Silvers because she disappeared after that night.” He finished his story, and I didn'tcare about the pack and the history. I needed my mate, and I wanted to kill Damien for taking what was mine.

I looked down as the chime on my phone indicated that the search results were in.

The property was located at the edge of a national forest deep in the heart of the woods. We parked the car off the road about a mile out. Carlos insisted that we approach with caution. My patience was wearing thin, and all I wanted was to run to Alexandra. She was only a few steps away. But stealth won out as a beam of light flashed across our path, and the man passed quickly without noticing us. The house across the small clearing looked rundown, but lights illuminated the windows, and hope filled my gut.

Carlos and I entered the front door ready for an attack that didn’t come. It became obvious that the only people in the house were in the back, and from the sound of it, they were in a kitchen. Carlos started up the stairs as I followed behind him, ready to rip anyone apart. The moment I smelled her, I floated toward the room the scent emanated from with little regard for anything else.

My mate,I growled in my mind and crashed through the door. Her scent hit me, but she was not there.

“Is she here?” Carlos asked as he came in behind me, scanning for potential threats.

I shattered a chair against the wall, my anger and rage uncontrollable. She must have been tied to it because it was the only object in the room with her scent. I had missed her again.

“Someone’s upstairs,” said a muffled voice from downstairs through the window.

“Call for backup and get the guys back here,” the other voice spat back, a bit more muffled.

“They’re bringing more men, Sebastian.” Carlos was at the window with his ear to the wind. I didn’t care about the other men; my grief was consuming me.

I lost my mate.

“She was here,” I wailed at Carlos. “I missed her again.” The agony of losing her was an ocean for me to drown in, and I sank to the floor. Her ripped sweater lay in tatters on the floor, and I lifted it to my nose.

“This is not over,” Carlos predicted, giving me hope. “There is no blood. We just need to pick up her scent.”

Rooted in Carlos’ advice, I sat up and inhaled the night. The musk of the other wolves was rank, and I could tell there were about twenty signatures. Alexandra had a scent of her own, a thin thread easily lost in the wind.

“I found her,” I told Carlos, turning my head to him with a smile. But then I heard her scream in my head, and I was frantic. Thepain she redirected was intense, and it shivered up my body. I held onto the bond through the agony.

I feel you, my mate. A tear broke on my face as I tried to absorb her pain across the bond.

I’m here. Just keep breathing,' I spoke to the link in my mind, desperate to connect. Her muffled screams were all that returned.I’m here. I closed my eyes, hoping to force a stronger connection.

“I… I…” her voice was faint like a radio station coming in and out of tune, but it eventually faded away.

“Hold on, my love! I’m coming,” I promised the air. I looked at Carlos and stood with a new determination, ready to take on anyone who dared get in my way.

“Ready?” I asked him, and he growled in response as he transformed and charged from the room.

Chapter fifteen


Getting out of the ropes was the easy part. There were so many voices coming from behind the door though, that it took me an hour to work up the nerve to leave the room. I crept through the hall and hid in a closet while a group of men settled into the room at the other end. I spotted the front door, and once I had a target, I moved quietly from the room like I owned the place.

Once out of the house, I dashed across the lawn. The night sky was bright with the moon, and it made sneaking around the woods easier. I was grateful for the light because it allowed me to move expertly even though I moved without direction.

I kept reaching for the bond I had with Sebastian, desperate to be found. I didn’t know where to go, so I just kept running. My legs burned, screaming for me to rest. When I stopped, I took a minute to look down the hill behind me. The house was far away, but I could see men running from it in all directions. They musthave discovered that I was gone. Time ticked by as I watched the flashlights coming my way.

Looking for a place to hide, I saw a small hunting shack nestled in the trees with a bit of a clearing leading up to the front porch.

I was only a few steps away when it began.

The moon shone through the trees, and I felt it warm the spot Sebastian had bitten me; my love mark. It felt as if Sebastian was kissing the spot, and it filled me with joy. I smiled, slowing my sprint and placing my hand on the spot. Memories of all the times he’d kissed me flooded my thoughts.
