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Was this him?He spoke to me in my mind.Was he now connecting deeper?

Soon, the spot engulfed my body, and it became too much, with the electricity hitting me in waves and crashing into my body. I lost control of my legs and rolled down the hill toward the shack.

I had no idea what was happening, but I knew now was not the time to be out in the open. I fought through the pulses and approached the front stoop. The full moon suddenly became too bright like I was walking into the sun. I sheltered my eyes, but my arms ached and stiffened just before the eruption began.

My arms began to twist and bend, then broke. I screamed out, my voice echoing through the night, and prayed the sound would not lead them to me. I fell to my hands and knees as my back expanded, the crunching of bones muffled by my whimpers. The convulsing caused my stomach to flip and bile floodedmy mouth. I looked at the front door just steps away. The determination to get inside had me fighting through the pain.

Burning from the inside out, I pulled my body up the stairs. I reached up to the door and turned the knob. To my delight, it opened. And then my body began to break.

I tumbled into the hut as my body popped and cracked. I felt the bones reshaping as my skin tore with their movement. My vision faded as the pain pushed me to the brink of a blackout.

Is this what death feels like?I thought as the tremors wrenched my body apart.

The light was blinding like the power of the moon was being driven through my body. I lay on the floor, my body shifting, the moonlight shining through all the windows. As soon as it began, the pain in my body began to fade, and all I could think of was Sebastian.

The world slowed, and I cried out as the torture flooded me in a cramp that consumed me. I reached out in my mind and wrapped my fingers around the thin cord, a bond now plain as day. I felt him immediately.

My mate.His words were faint and hollow. I opened my eyes and hoped to find him, but the motion was too much for my deformed body. I lay motionless, listening to the silence.

I’m here.His sweet voice spoke again, and I squeezed my eyes closed. A warm band, alive in the silence, called out to me, and I tried to grasp it.

Sebastian, I choose you,I screamed into the void but heard no return. I had to hang on just a little longer. He would come for me. I focused on the faint energy in the air as it kissed my skin with tingles. The sensation distracted me from everything else. I didn’t notice when the only door in the shack closed and locked with a click.

The transformation had taken everything out of me, and I lay on my back in the middle of the floor taking long deep breaths and trying to soothe my aching muscles. When his voice filled the room, my eyes flew open, and fear flooded my system.

“Good evening, my dear,” Damien’s gritty voice spat down at me. “Well, look at this, it’s my lucky night. I thought I’d lost you again.”

I struggled with my new arms to push my torso from the ground. As fast as lightning, Damien was on me, pressing my shoulders into the floor. He straddled me, the weight of his body overpowering my still petite frame. He was crushing me, and my breathing became labored.

“You're a werewolf?” I whispered, but the voice that came out was not mine. Instead, it was a deep, scratchy remnant of what once was. I prayed that it didn’t matter and that he would use the opportunity to talk about himself again. I willed him with my mind to get off of me.

He leaned back, and I was grateful when the gesture allowed me to better regulate my breathing. “An alpha. I was born to be an alpha, but it was ripped from my hands.” The growl in his voicerumbled through my body as he grabbed my neck. “Your family ruined everything.”

He slowly rose, taking me with him, his hand providing the only support for my dangling body. I didn't know what to say, so I smiled. I balled up all the fear I had and grimaced. I thought of all the times I’d allowed him to control me and filled my face with delight.

Not today,I thought as his face reddened with anger. I sipped air past his fingers as he closed them around my throat. With a growl, he threw me into the wall, breaking the eye contact I had commanded. I crashed into the wall and crumpled into a heap on the floor.

At least I could breathe again. I did a mental inventory of the damage that should have been inflicted from my airborne adventure, but nothing hurt. I was stiff from the transformation and my body was not responding to my requests, but if anything, it had gotten better with the crash. Unfortunately, I still had no strength.

“Why me?” I asked as I sat up and stretched my new form. My muscles were defined and tight. Thank God for fur, or I would have felt exposed. Everything was fuller; it felt like my bones had enlarged, and they were still stiff and achy. I tracked him carefully, unwilling to turn my back to him. He either didn’t notice my shifting or didn't care because he sat unaffected on the only chair in the small room.

“You with your fire.” Damien raised his eyes to me with a wicked grin. “You should have never been.” His expression dissolvedinto a rage, exposing his wolf fangs as I collapsed with fear. He had always been frightening, but as a werewolf, he was positively menacing.

“My father should have killed that stupid bitch.” He ripped the chair from under him and shattered it against the wall, anger apparent in his spastic gestures. I flinched, jolting back into the cabinets. “I would have done it myself.” It seemed like was having an internal argument until he locked eyes with me.

He froze, still as a statue. I stood up, my body starting to feel like my own. His body shifted slowly and calculated.

“I was only 10 when my father was killed.” His voice was steady and calm. “Killed by one of his wives. The turmoil in the wake of his death left my mother and I running for our lives.”

I saw his feet set just before he pounced, sliding out of his grasp and bolting for the door.


I pressed my back to it, my hands desperately working behind me to open it without sight. I dared not look away as he spun on one foot and placed his hands on the counter behind him. He squeezed the counter, and the edge splintered away in chunks. Running the pieces through his fingers, he spoke softly.

“On the run and with nothing, I made a vow.” He moved quicker now, and I noticed I was moving with more speed as well, but it wasn’t fast enough. He took me again in his grasp, nipping at my face, and I instinctively turned my head. He raised his massivefist to me and when it connected, I flew across the room and smashed against the beams of the wall.

“My vow was to find my father’s killer and make them pay.” He spoke with glee as he closed the distance between us. “It only took six years. She never saw it coming.” He lifted my prone form from the floor with one hand and laughed. “Listening to her scream under my knife was rewarding, but it wasn't enough.” This time, his fists found my torso in a cascade of blows. I blocked a few but he was no amateur.
