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My body turned scarlet as I remembered the night we shared and the way he felt tasting my body. I slid my fingers over my curves. Remembering the connection we shared at the pinnacleof climax,had I felt Sebastian inside my mind?All I knew was that I had never felt that way. A sharp pain at the edge of my neck reminds me of how explosive we had been, with the euphoria that had been our lovemaking.

What is this?I softly touched the mark on my neck, unsure of how deep it was. The slightest touch on the wounded skin gives me a warm jolt, and I immediately removed my fingers, trying to forget it. It was the empty bed that held my attention and filled me with longing.

“Where is Sebastian?” I whispered to the empty room, my eyes darting around as bitterness and loss filled me.

It would have been stupid to expect anything from him. He didn’t know anything about me. Why would a man I had just invited upstairs for sex want to stay and talk to me in the morning? Even though this was something that shouldn’t be hurtful, I felt a weird pain in my chest that did not make much sense.

Why was I hurt? Had I hoped for him to stay?

A sudden knocking at the door grabbed my attention and before I could get up and throw on some clothes, the door opened. To my complete surprise, Sebastian walked in.

“You’re awake.” He smiled. “Good morning, bright eyes.”

“Good morning,” I replied, slightly confused. He looked just as handsome as he had last night, but he was no longer in the suit. He slid my key card back onto the dresser where I had placed itlast night. He’s casually dressed in a polo shirt and khaki pants, looking like an old-money character in a Hardy novel.

What is he still doing here?

I don’t know why I was confused. Just moments ago, I wanted him to be here, and now that he was, I was distrustful.What is wrong with me?

“I hope you’re hungry,” he said, walking toward the bed. I was still naked under the covers, and as his gaze fell on my bare shoulders, I began to feel self-conscious.

My eyes fell on the beautifully decorated tray in his hand that he efficiently placed on the bed.He brought me breakfast in bed? When was the last time any man had done that for me?I was at a loss for words because I couldn’t comprehend what Sebastian Huntington wanted from me. I looked at him and wished I was wrong, and I could keep him. But what could I possibly offer him?

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, unable to control the urge.

He laughed softly before sitting on the bed, quickly pouring orange juice into glasses from the tall jug. I look at the variety of breakfast items on the platter. The diverse selection made me picture him raiding the fridge and grabbing one of everything.

“As in, why am I bringing you breakfast?” he asked calmly.

“Yes,” I replied, unable to remove the suspicion from my voice. From everything I knew about one-night stands, he should be gone by now. He had no space in my life.

“Because you think I should treat you like just another girl I had outstanding sex with and leave in the morning without saying goodbye?”


“You are not just any other girl, Alexandra. Do I seem like a jerk?” he asked, leaning toward me, the glass of juice in his hand. He offered it to me with a lick of his lips. “I'm glad you thought the sex was outstanding.”

“All men are jerks here and there. How could you be any different?” I took the juice from his hand and sipped, feeling loads better after not having dinner last night.

“Did you enjoy your time with me last night, Alexandra?” he asked, completely changing the topic.

“I did,” I replied, blushing. His gaze roamed over my naked shoulders again, but I no longer felt exposed. I lingered in his admiration.

“I did too,” he said, taking my hand in his. “And I know I should not be so forward. I am supposed to get up and leave from here and never look back, but I would never leave you. I couldn’t do that to you. It was impossible.”

“Why?” I whispered, confused.

“Because you keep pulling me toward you. A pull from deep down. I could feel you inside, connecting to every fiber of my being, and refusing to let go. What have you done to me, Alexandra?”

I gasped at the intensity of his words as he stared deep into my eyes. I knew that everything he just said could be a line he had used countless times before, but I felt the same pull rooted in my core. My heart wanted to believe him and agree to everything he had to say. But the reality was that I needed to get out of Chicago. However, a delightful heat radiated from the nape of my neck, just above my collarbone. It was like a beacon drawing me toward Sebastian, and I longed to be in his arms.

“Me… no. What have you done to me,” I whispered, leaning in. He moved effortlessly to me and seized my lips in a kiss, the passion we shared last night returning in a flash.

As I lifted my hands to thread them through his hair, the covers fell, exposing me. He wasted no time cupping my breasts, his fingers gently rolling against one nipple. I moaned at his touch, the wetness between my legs growing as his tongue invaded my mouth and reminding me of everywhere else it had been.What is this man doing to me?

“Okay, no. No, we need to stop.” He pulled away, and I opened my eyes disappointedly.

“Why?” I pouted, already missing his lips on mine. Realizing I wanted him more than I should, I tried to compose myself.
