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“Because I am not having sex with you again without knowing anything about you. I must at least know who you are before we continue.” He smiled, leaning back on his elbow as he stared at me. I covered myself again as I looked at him, confused as to what he wanted to know.

“You know my name.” I shrugged, unsure how much I should reveal.

“Bright Eyes, your name is the tip of the iceberg. I won't be satisfied without seeing it all. I need to know your whole story.” He winked, picking up a piece of apple and popping it into his mouth. I held my breath as I watched him maneuver the apple with his tongue, then shook my head clear and began.

“I am just a simple twenty-four-year-old woman who is trying to find her way in life,” I replied, eating a few pieces of fruit as I finished with the brief synopsis.

“Have you found it yet?”

“I have actually never been more lost.” I surprised myself with how candid I was. It was a testament to the comfort I felt around him. I spoke directly from the heart. The conversation was both exhilarating and terrifying.

“If you want, I can stand beside you as you find your way,” he smiled, and I realized he was serious. My heart melted as I looked at him; everything about Sebastian was a wish come true.

“Well right now, I’m not on the market for arm candy no matter how handsome you are. Or how nice your compliments are.” I laughed, trying to lighten the conversation.

“I would gladly become your trophy husband, and you could show me off around town. I would also be great at reaching all the things from the top shelves, I'm pretty tall. You would not be disappointed.” He winked as laughter echoed in the room. My heart felt lighter as I looked at him. I don’t remember the last time I felt this relaxed around anyone. He was both kind and humorous, and there was an undeniable and hard-to-ignore pull demanding his presence. Something about Sebastian just sat right with me.

“I am glad you understand your worth.” I smiled at the joke. His eyes were filled with admiration, and I felt the familiar warmth begin to heat me from the inside out.

“What is that?” Sebastian asks, suddenly sitting up, his fingers gently tracing the warm spot at my neck. His fingers were unaware of the electricity they sent through my body. Why did he feel so divine?

“You did it. Do you really not remember? How drunk were you?” I laughed.

“Oh shit; I bit you.” His body stiffened, and I noticed how his eyes became more focused as he stared at the mark on my neck. I raised my fingers to it and smiled when it reacted to my touch.

“It’s fine. It doesn't hurt.” I tried to comfort him, but it did nothing to ease the worry on his face.

“I am really sorry, Alexandra, I never meant to mark you,” he said.

“Sebastian, you need to relax. You bit me, why does it matter? I’ll be fine.” I pleaded with him to calm down.

“I will make sure you are taken care of. I should have been more careful.”

“Hey, it’s okay,” I took his hand in mine, placing soft kisses over his knuckles. He smiled at my reaction, but I could still sense the waves of worry coursing through him. What was bothering him so much? I wished I could read his mind.

Chapter four


I stared at the bite mark on Alexandra’s neck, the proof of my stupidity shining red in front of me. The wound stood out against her pale skin, making it impossible to miss. How did I not remember it? My head was still slightly dizzy.

I had marked Alexandra.Oh god, how could I have done this?

“I am horrified, Alexandra. I am so sorry,” I said, touching the mark again. Thoughts flooded my head as I looked at the beautiful woman in front of me with confusion in her big, blue eyes.

I knew she didn’t understand the gravity of one of my bites, but how could I explain it to her? I couldn’t tell her that I wasn’t human, that I was a werewolf and the mark declared to any other werewolf that she was mine. The poison from my bite was spreading inside her, the beginning stage of the transformation.

NO. I couldn’t let this happen to her. I couldn’t take away her life not like this.

“It’s nothing, Sebastian. It doesn't hurt.” She smiled, touching my face with her small hands. I wished I could tell her just how it would hurt her, but she would never believe me. I needed to think of something else.

“You’re right.” I nodded, forcing myself to remove the worry from my expression. “I don’t remember biting you. I definitely remember wanting to, though.”

The night had been such a blur. I tried my hardest to be close to her; to breathe in her fragrance. I drank her drink. It had a funny taste, almost metallic, but I didn't think anything of it at the time. Not with her stunning sapphire eyes looking back at me. From there, I remember feeling like I was watching myself execute all my desires.Had I marked her as my mate?Seeing her pale skin covered with love bites and marks let my memories of the night fill me with satisfaction all over again. I felt deep within my wolf that she was now held as a treasured connection through the mark.

My mate.

“I guess you can’t handle your wine, huh?” She laughed. “One glass and you got so drunk that you can’t remember anything.”
