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“If that’s what you want, I won’t bother you. But if you need me, I left my number on the nightstand.”

“I will; thank you.”

She opened the door for me as if she couldn’t wait for me to be gone, and I stepped out with a smile. As she closed the door in my face, all I could think about was how she was turning into a werewolf at this very moment because of me, but I was far more worried about her desire to get rid of me. This was a huge mess.

What had I gotten myself into? And why did it feel like this time, I was caught in it for good?

Chapter five


The moment I shut the door, I quickly walked with uneasy steps to the nightstand. I grabbed my phone, which had been forgotten since yesterday. I had stopped using it except for updating Phoebe about where I was. I thought she was the only person who knew my whereabouts, but after Sebastian's proclamation, maybe I was wrong.

Someone had roofied my drink. I knew there was a good chance it was a stranger, but my heart said otherwise.

“Phoebe, Phoebe, please pick up,” I whispered as I found her name in my contact list with shaky fingers, fear gripping me at the roots.

The phone continued to ring, and I knew she was probably at work. Phoebe was a teacher and had been my best friend since we were little. She had lived close to me, and we went tothe same school. In a world where everything was unsure and unkind, she had been my one constant. Still was. Even when I ran away from home and had no idea where to go or what to do.

“Xandra, what’s the matter?” I heard worry etched into her voice the moment she picked up. It was uncharacteristic of me to call. I had usually just texted her my whereabouts since I had been on the run.

“I think they found me.” The moment those words escaped my lips, I felt the reality of them crashing down. “What if they have? What am I going to do?”

“Xandra.” Phoebe's voice broke through my rant. “Alexandra, you need to calm down,” she continued slowly, her voice comforting. “Do you have a chair near you? Please sit down and breathe.”

I sunk onto the bed immediately, trying to breathe as deeply as I could. I could not have a panic attack right now. I needed to keep my wits about me and deal with this situation as rationally and maturely as possible. If I descended into terror, I was doomed. I had to be careful.

“I’m sitting,” I relayed my actions, finally able to control the tremor in my voice.

“Why do you think they found you? Did you see someone? Did someone message or call you? Tell me what’s going on.”

“I… I…” I stuttered, trying to find words, but stopping to breathe again.

“It’s okay; I’m here. Take your time,” she comforted, and I felt like crying. I missed her so much. I wished I could be home right now and have her next to me. She had been my anchor during the toughest times. So, I began unloading on her.

“Last night, I went to the hotel bar and ordered a drink. A man came to flirt with me and drank my glass of wine. I was very attracted to him, and I gave in to my desire. I invited him to my room, and we had sex. The wine had a huge effect on him, and he told me that he was hardly ever affected by alcohol, which made him think someone drugged my drink. I remembered looking away from my glass for maybe a minute or so, and I think it’s a possibility. It could have been anyone, but I have a feeling it was them.”

“Oh my,” Phoebe sighed in shock. “So, you slept with a stranger? Who are you and what have you done to Alexandra Silvers?”

I laughed, knowing how unlike me it was. Talking to Phoebe always calmed me, and I finally felt better.

“Alexandra Silvers lost her mind for a second because of the stranger’s extreme good looks,” I replied, “but he’s gone now and I’m scared.”

“Xandra, no one knows where you are. Did you have to drag his limp body up the stairs? How drugged could he have been? I think you might just be paranoid. It’s completely normal considering you are on the run. But you should leave Chicago. Go somewhere else, like to the authorities. They could help you get out of this." I sighed, but she continued before I cut her off,I knew her thoughts on my life on the run. “If nothing else, you should move because there is no point in feeling terrified.”

“You’re right. I’m leaving now.” I nodded, even though I knew Phoebe couldn’t see me.

“The poor stranger will have to suffer in your absence,” she joked again, and I smiled.

“Oh, I definitely blew it with that one. He brought me breakfast in bed and wanted to get to know me. I practically threw him out of my room after he mentioned that my drink could have been drugged. I doubt he’ll be suffering for long; the way he carried himself, he can have anyone.” The loss of Sebastian sent a pang of sadness through me. A thought at the back of my mind, electric and filled with pleasure, surges at the mention of him. I don’t even know the guy, but I missed him.

He made me feel… safe.

“He’ll get over it,” Phoebe said. “You need to focus on getting away.”

“You’re right.” I shook my head to clear it. “I’ll let you know when I figure out where I’m going.”

“I’ll be waiting.” Phoebe ended the call, and I opened the closet to slip on some clothes.
