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All my belongings are still in my suitcase. I never unpack in case I have to run. I never imagined this would happen to me, butsometimes, circumstances leave you with no other choice. This was the only way I could stay alive. If they found me…

I shivered, shaking off the thought and refusing to think of anything that might be harmful.

“I’ll be fine. No one will find me.” I continued to repeat the mantra. I needed it to keep me going or else I would start to panic.

The mirror on the dresser showed my reflection and I could see how pale I was. A frightened version of me stares back through the glass, with red hair coming out of a too-large hoodie.

Phoebe had told me to dye my hair to make sure I remained hidden, but I’d refused. I didn’t want to let go of my identity, and I loved my hair. The red represented my fire, and even though most of it had turned to embers just months ago, I was not going to give up. Not this way.

“I need to check bus routes, and then I can grab my things and leave,” I told myself, pocketing my phone and heading out the door.

I took the elevator to the main lobby, glad that it was still light outside. Nights made me feel more exposed, and I needed to be alert. If they’d found me, I needed to be as careful as possible and escape unnoticed. I couldn’t afford to leave a trail.

The moment I stepped through the main doors of the hotel and onto the street, every hair on my neck stood at attention. It wasthe same feeling I had yesterday before Sebastian had found me, only this time, I could sense only danger.

Why am I reacting this way?

It felt as if my senses had sharpened; everything around me appeared heightened and brighter. What was happening? I looked around carefully, trying to stay concealed in the shadows. Something wasn’t right.

“Who’s out there?” I whispered to myself, still looking around. I tried to take a step forward, but the action felt wrong, and I backed inside the hotel again. I knew I needed to go out, but I couldn’t risk it when my gut wasn’t agreeing.

I forgot everything else as self-preservation directed me back to my room. The moment I entered the room, my eyes fell on the navy blue blazer resting on the chair. Sebastian must have forgotten it. A pang of longing filled me as I remembered his touch and voice, making me miss a man I didn't even know. I picked up the blazer and inhaled his scent, then hung it in the closet. He made me feel safer than anyone had in a long time. I knew he wouldn’t be back for it, and I would never see him again.

Even though the thought made me flinch, I knew I needed to leave as soon as I could.

Chapter six


My head hurt. I kneaded my forehead with my thumb and index finger, unable to understand what was wrong with me. A woman I had only known for a few hours was having an effect on me that no one has had in the thirty-five years of my existence. I could not deny she was my destined mate. She had to be. Otherwise, I wouldn't feel this way.

“Mr. Huntington?” I looked up as Darlene, my housekeeper, called my name.

“Yes, Darlene?”

“Are you sure you are okay? It seems like you’ve been frustrated since you got back this morning,” she pointed out, and I couldn’t help but sigh. Darlene had worked for me at the penthouse for the past six years and was a trusted confidant. She was in her late fifties and treated me like a son. And she wasn't wrong.

“I’m perfectly fine, Darlene. I’ll let you know if I need something.” I forced myself to smile to ease her worry and quickly made my way upstairs, leaving the living room.

If someone had told me my penthouse was too big for one person, I would have agreed. Although I enjoyed the luxury and minimalism of it, this was also the only place that had felt like home. Over the past five years after I had sold my company for millions only and eventually became a billionaire with several savvy investments and ventures, this penthouse had been my haven. I needed to stay out of the spotlight.

“Alexandra,” I whispered her name out loud as I stepped inside my study, finally alone.

She had done something to me, and my heart was almost certain that she planned to leave. The impersonal hotel room only meant one thing: Her belongings were already packed, which probably meant that she had never unpacked them. Only a person who was at constant risk and remained prepared to flee acted this way, but I couldn’t let Alexandra leave. Losing her was not a possibility.

“Shit.” I fished my phone from my pocket and dialed Winston, the manager of the hotel Alexandra was staying at. It was one of my many hotels, which was the only reason I was there last night.

“Mr. Huntington?” Winston's voice sounded slightly shocked as he picked up my call. It’s understandable: I rarely call the man.

“Winston, I’m sending over an image of a man. Please call me immediately if he comes back to the hotel.”

“Sir, this is not a very good picture. I don't think we’ll be able to recognize him from this.” Winston’s concerned voice hollowed out the speaker of the phone.

I took a deep breath. I knew it was not a good picture, but it was all I had after I scanned and reviewed the security footage from last night. This grainy shot could be of any 230-pound man with a light complexion. They couldn’t call the police on that.

“Try your best. He might return to the bar.” I made a mental note to check all the tapes for the week to see if he had been stalking her or if it was a random incident.

“Very good, sir. Anything else I can do for you?” My mind went to Alexandra, the reason for this call in the first place. “Yes. There is a woman staying at the hotel, Alexandra Silvers. She was in room 1402. Could you please tell me if she has checked out?”
