Page 10 of Ash

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“Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about security for tonight.”

“Are there likely to be any issues?” she asked, concern in her voice and accent back to normal.

“I don’t anticipate any, but we still need to be cautious. Especially with the recent threats. You just make sure I know where you are at all times tonight, Sonia.”

She sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes.

“Yes, Ash, I will. I always do.”

“Your safety is important,” I told her. “Nothing can happen to you.”

She looked at me, and I saw a flash of sympathy in her eyes before she quickly covered it.

She knew I didn’t like or want sympathy.

“I know.” She smiled sadly up at me.

“I promise I will be careful and will stay by your side, or Romi’s, all night.”

“Unless I see a gorgeous male specimen who sweeps me off my feet, of course.” She winked, then laughed at my scowl.

“Come on,” she said, taking my arm.

“I promise to be good. Bet you can’t say the same.” She smiled at me knowingly.

I smirked. “Probably not.”

Romivik was waiting for us outside; he was driving us tonight. Our late uncle Petior was his step-dad, so Romi became our cousin through marriage. Romi and his family moved to London with us after Uncle Petior passed away and so we grew up together. Aunt Letitia and Romi’s brother, Dimitri, returned to Russia not long before my parents were murdered, but Romi remained with us and took over as the head of our personal bodyguards.

Natural blood cousin or not, he was family, and we trusted him with our lives, literally. He was also a member of our blood brothers pact. Tonight, since Sonia was home, he would be taking care of her throughout the evening when I wasn’t with her. He loved her like a baby sister, so she was in safe hands with him.

“Hey, Romi,” she greeted him with a bright smile.

“You look beautiful, by the way,” I stated, realising I hadn’t told her yet.

“You certainly do!” Romi agreed, and the way he was looking at her, if I didn’t know better, I would say it was with more than familial appreciation.

Nah, I dismissed the thought immediately. Ridiculous.

“Well, hopefully, that tall, dark, and droolificent male specimen I am hoping will sweep me off my feet and carry me off over his shoulder might actually notice me then!” She laughed and winked at me again, then at Romi.

“There will be none of that nonsense, young lady, or we turn this car around right now, and you will be getting locked in your room for the rest of the holidays. Maybe longer,” I said, growling.

She laughed again, and I huffed out a breath.

This was my baby sister. I didn’t like to think of her with any man. She was far too young. They had all better stay away. I pursed my lips, feeling annoyed. If any man came near her, I would definitely let out my inner demon on him. I knew I was being unreasonable in that respect, but I was her big brother, so tough.

“Relax, bro. I’m teasing,” Sonia chuckled, placing her hand on my arm as the car slowed to a stop.

“I’m not planning on meeting anyone new tonight, but at some point, I am going to want to set my sights on someone in particular, and you are going to have to deal with that,” she said with a serious yet sympathetic look.

“We’ll see,” I replied huffily, but I was thinking, ‘I know what men are like, and there’s no way in hell they are getting anywhere near you!’

If Sonia could tell my thoughts didn’t align with my words, she didn’t say anything. Instead, she smirked at me and turned to look out of the window.

I decided to push all thoughts of any man with Sonia right out of my head before it soured my mood even further. We spent the rest of the drive in silence while I thought through the checks I needed to make when I arrived to ensure everything was running smoothly.

Before long, the car slowed, then Romi opened the door and helped Sonia out. We’d parked off to the side near the end of the long driveway which led up to the entrance. Sonia was thrilled to see our new club, Glitz. She was practically humming with excitement as we walked towards the entrance.
