Page 19 of Ash

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She continued laughing at me as we walked. I scanned the messages on my phone to avoid looking at her.

Miki was on a call when we arrived at his office, so I read my other messages.

Sean had checked in with the other dealers, and they were all accounted for. There hadn’t been any further incidents tonight, either. Still, the one with our dead dealer was bad enough.

Once Marko arrived, we ran through some of the information we’d received from our men on the street. Rumour had it that there was an alliance of sorts between the Malia Boys and the Broxley Estate Lads. That was a shock. They were sworn enemies, both constantly fighting over their small areas in the northeast and northwest of London, often attempting to muscle in on each other’s territories and business. However, of the two, the Broxley Estate Lads, known locally as the Broxy’s, were the more intelligent and better organised, but they also had fewer men at their disposal. The Malia Boys certainly had more men but less brains.

An alliance between them was unexpected. However, it made sense. If they had finally been able to put aside their differences, then together, they would definitely have had a better chance of breaking up our alliance and taking on us and the Polish, which they could never manage alone. Or so they’d think.

Even so, we knew that if the Broxy’s had made some sort of alliance with the Malia Boys, it was likely only a temporary arrangement to carry out whatever plan they had. The chances of anything but hate lasting between those two groups was virtually zero. They had no real honour and no loyalty. They didn’t care about their families or their brotherhood. That’s why they didn’t understand us. They didn’t get that by killing one of our family; you made an enemy of us for life. Well, they would soon learn their mistake. They assumed we were like them and couldn’t form close ties with rival Brotherhoods. We would use that. Their stupidity and assumptions would work in our favour.

It was time we finally taught both the Malia Boys and the Broxy’s not to mess with us.

“I’ll call Sean and see if he can get a hold of Juana and have her come talk to me now. I’m sure she will have more of an idea if the rumours about the Malia/Broxy alliance are true and maybe exactly what their plan is,” I told Miki.

“Great, let me know what you find out,” he said.

He and Marko were heading home and taking Sonia with him, since Romi wouldn’t be back for a while, and I needed to stay until the end of the event to debrief the security team.

“Have any of you seen Anton?” I asked.

“Last I saw, he was out front making sure all the guests were heading home,” Marko replied.

“Cool, I’ll catch him later before Luca closes up,” I said and kissed Sonia goodbye.

“Night, Romeo,” she smirked. “Oh, and by the way, that waitress will probably still be in the kitchen if you are looking for her,” she laughed.

“Waitress?” Miki questioned, raising his eyebrows and smirking. I noticed Marko was smirking at me too.

I shot Sonia a warning look, one she totally ignored.

“Yeah, Ash, here, has the hots for a pretty waitress,” she said, smiling evilly at me.

“Really?” Miki asked, grinning.

“No, ignore her. She doesn’t know what she is talking about.”I waved my hand dismissively.

Marko laughed. “Sure, if you say so!”

They all headed out the door, sniggering with a last parting shot from Sonia, “Bye, Romeo.”

“Little madam!” I called after her, and she giggled and blew me a kiss before closing the door.

I shook my head and bit back my grin at her behaviour.

As soon as they left, I called Sean and told him to get Juana and bring her to me as quickly as possible. Then, I sat and waited for him to let me know when they had arrived.

Sean was one of our men, and although he had an Irish forename due to his Irish mother, his dad was Russian and Bratva, like him. He was an Orlov, too, though only distantly related to Luca. Sean was our handler. He recruited and handled our primary informants with what he called his ‘Irish charm,’being’the gift of the gab’and the’luck of the Irish,’which he said made him so great at it. All I knew was that he could charm the pants off most females if he put his mind to it, and likely a good number of males too, if he was that way inclined.

Juana was one of the nicest and the most trustworthy of his informants, and her information was always reliable. If anyone knew for sure if the rumours that the Malia Boys and Broxy’s were involved in a temporary alliance were true, it would be her. She was also likely to be fully aware of who else they were in cahoots with because I found it hard to believe these idiots had formed an alliance off their own backs. I was sure someone else was involved.

Juana was Somali herself and one of the only females within the Malia Boys’ inner circle. The reason for that was that her father ran the Malia Boys before her cousin Siraaj Farah, who was known as Siri, took over.

Siri and Juana’s dad had been close, and when her dad died, Siri stepped up as head. Leadership only went to the males in many of these gangs, and that was the same for the Bratva. In general, we saw women as equals to ourselves, but not where leadership was concerned. We hadn’t entirely caught up to the twenty-first century yet. The Malia Boys likely never would, as they viewed women as second-class citizens. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t run girls and participate in human trafficking.

The fuckers. I fucking hated that. Especially afterthe incident. I couldn’t imagine anyone treating women like nothing. I would thoroughly enjoy teaching them a lesson. I took a deep breath and calmed myself before I spiralled.

It was because of their treatment of women that Juana became our informant. She and her sister Jadwa ran their illegal gambling dens and were the croupiers for their higher-stake poker games. They had been doing that for years without any real problems, then one day, some visiting Somali diplomat lost a quarter of a million pounds to a British businessman. He accused Jadwa of cheating and somehow rigging the game.
