Page 39 of Ash

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The UK wasn’t a place where the average citizen carried a gun, so when one was fired, it was especially noticeable and attracted a lot of unwanted attention. The Malia Boys were not too bright and viewed going to jail as some sort of badge of honour, so they didn’t really seem to care about keeping a low profile or being caught, but the Albanians did. They were brutal buggers and lived by their crazy code of rules, that was true, but they were generally intelligent enough to prefer not to get caught or end up in gun fights with the police. So, they tended to use silencers on their guns. We did, too, on the rare occasions we used them.

The use of a silencer here saved us from having to worry about police involvement. As prominent London businessmen, we had friends in high places, including several top lawyers, judges, and the head of the Metropolitan Police, and we wanted to keep it that way. We had to if we were ever going to become legit in the future. The police we had on our payroll were there for use in emergencies only. Like Glowacki, we tended to keep any contact with them to a bare minimum and only utilised our more corrupt resources if we absolutely needed to. The less we needed to use them, the less likely anyone would become suspicious of them or us.

“Pack a bag, enough for a few days,” I told Gracie, grinning at her.

She was coming home with me, just like I had hoped for last night. If I played my cards right, that was where she would stay because now, I was thinking of something way more than the casual relationship I’d planned. If I had my way, she’d become a permanent fixture in my life. And I very much intended on having my way!

“Wait, what?!” she asked confused.

“You can’t stay here in case more guys come looking for us, and this place needs to be cleaned up anyway,” I explained.

“Okay, I’ll call Derrick,” she said.

No fucking way!

“No need, you are coming home with me,” I said, trying to keep calm.

No way was she staying with anyone but me.

“Oh no, I am not!” she protested, standing up again and moving away from me.

“Oh yes, you are,” I declared, standing up and stalking her.

She took a step back, and I followed her, backing her up against the wall.

“You are in trouble because of me, Gracie, and I will be the one to protect you until it is safe,” I told her firmly.

She looked like she was about to protest further, but I took the opportunity to kiss her deeply again. She resisted for a second before melting into my embrace. When all her resistance disappeared, I pulled back. I stared at her and licked my lips. Her eyes tracked my tongue, and she gulped but didn’t say anything. I smiled and moved away.

“Get your bag, honey. You’re coming home with me,” I said again.

She huffed, not ready to give in to me as completely as I’d thought.

“No. I don’t know you, Ash. If I’m in danger, I should go and stay with Derrick,” she replied, glaring at me.

My spine went rigid. The only person who would be protecting her was me. I was the reason she was in danger, and I would be the one to protect her.

Besides, we needed time to properly explore this thing between us, and I had a feeling that if I let her go just now, she might not give me the opportunity to do that in the future. But it looked like I was going to need to convince her of how good we could be together, and I knew just where to begin. I licked my lips and grinned wickedly as I crowded her again, pressing her back against the wall once more.

Leaning down I whispered in her ear, “Tell me you are mine to protect and keep safe, sweetheart!”

She shivered, and my cock twitched in my pants.

I smiled inwardly at her reaction, brushed my lips against hers and said it again.




Ash pressed me against the wall again, and it should have annoyed me. His predatory actions and possessive looks should have made me afraid of him, but I found they had completely the opposite effect. I didn’t feel threatened by his behaviour at all. Instead, I was getting more turned on by the minute.

He was dangerous. I’d be a fool not to be aware of that. Yet, I didn’t feel any aggression from him. I wasn’t scared of him being violent towards me. In fact, somewhere deep down, I knew he would never be. No, the danger I sensed from this guy wasn’t anything physical. Ash was dangerous to me in other ways because the power and strength I felt in him had me weak at the knees.

I couldn’t help my shiver of desire when he whispered in my ear, “Tell me you are mine to protect and keep safe, sweetheart.”

It would be so simple to give in and say those words, but I held off despite how much I longed to. This man could turn my mind to mush and make me do practically anything for him with just that voice of his.
