Page 83 of Ash

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We weren’t that far away from each other and could probably have simply spoken, but since our ears were still ringing, shouting was the only way we could hear a bloody thing.

Glowacki shot again but missed. I did, too. Our adrenaline was high, and even though we had managed to move closer to our two remaining enemies, it was really hard to shoot straight. That was the case in these kinds of situations; no matter how well-trained you were or how good a shot was, and we were both very good shots, it wasn’t as easy to hit a moving target as films made it seem.

It was also tiring to be this high on adrenaline for this long, and it showed in all of us on both sides.

Glowacki peered out of his doorway, ready to make another shot just as one of the enemy shot at him. I sucked my breath in because, god damn, it was so close I swore I saw the hair of his head move with the force of the air as it whizzed past him, just barely missing him.

His eyes met mine, and I saw the shock of his near-miss register. Then his eyes turned cold. He radioed, and within a couple of minutes, one of his guys threw a backpack through the doorway. Miki grabbed it and chucked it to Glowacki, who opened it.

I grinned when I saw the contents.

A moment later, Glowacki threw a canister along the hall. It hissed, and as smoke billowed out, Glowacki took off running and shooting. We quickly followed. Although we could breathe easily through the masks he’d given us, it was difficult to see through the smoke. However, coughing alerted us to where the enemies were, and we just fired towards that direction.

A moment later, Miki lifted his hand, and we stopped shooting. We were no longer being shot at either. In fact, apart from our own breathing, it was silent.

We stood still and waited for the smoke to lift. As it did, we saw the bodies of our enemies lying on the ground.

“Looks like we got them all!” Glowacki said, just as one lifted a handgun and fired at point-blank range, hitting him in the chest.

Shit! I fired back, killing the guy, but Glowacki was already down. Down but still alive. Thank God. However, he wouldn’t be for long if we didn’t get him help soon.

Miki radioed the rest of the men for an update. Unfortunately, even though our men were winning, the fighting above ground still raged on. It wasn’t possible to move Glowacki, so we had to hold up where we were.

Miki kept an eye out to ensure no more enemies were trying to breach the lab. I stripped my vest off and then the t-shirt underneath and used it to help stem Glowacki’s blood loss. The bastard bullet had gone right through his vest!

It was a while before we got word that the battle was over. As soon as we did, Daniel ran in to check on his dad, who had now passed out with blood loss. He’d already sent for a vehicle, and it came tearing across the field towards us as we carried Glowacki out of the building.

We bundled him into the back, and Daniel jumped in, holding my now blood-saturated T-shirt over his dad’s wound. I stepped back, and the vehicle sped off towards the C, where Dr Rawlins was already waiting with his makeshift hospital prepped and ready to operate.

Thank God we had that set up. There was no way Glowacki would have made it to either of our homes, and we couldn’t have taken him to a hospital under the circumstances. So, without our makeshift set-up at the C, he would be dead. Of course, he still could be. That was a huge worry, but if anyone could help him now, Dr Rawlins was the man. I just hoped that he could.

One of Glowacki’s men updated us on the situation with Siri. Apparently, he and a small handful of his men had escaped.

Although several of our men had given chase, they’d been too late to stop the men taking off in a helicopter that had landed in a field nearby.

“A helicopter? A fucking helicopter!” I fumed.

The Malia Boys didn’t own a fucking helicopter. Obviously, that had to have been another thing supplied by this “big wig” enemy. We really needed to find out who that fucker was!

At least most of Siri’s men were dead.

We would just need to catch up with the slimy bastard himself another time, and we would. We had questions he needed to answer, and then his life was forfeit.

As the rest of the injured were transferred to the C for medical treatment, we began the arduous task of the clean-up operation, which needed to be done as quickly as possible.

To speed the process up, our guys were split into teams. I oversaw the one who collected the dead bodies. We loaded them into a truck, which we had previously hidden in a farm building for just that purpose, to be transported to the C for cremation.

Miki oversaw the other teams. One got to work fixing the lab door and the damaged farm buildings, while another collected discarded weapons, cleaned up blood, covered up bullet holes, and generally removed all signs of the fight that had raged only a short while before.

It took some time, but just as dawn broke, we took one last look around. The lab location had been compromised, so we had already moved our operation to a secondary location. This one would need to be destroyed, but not yet. We would deal with it later once things had calmed down. Meanwhile, we just needed to ensure that there was no evidence left of what had occurred.

Finally satisfied that we could do no more, we returned to the C to collect our vehicles and head home.

Glowacki was still being operated on. It would be a while before we knew the outcome. Miki decided to remain at the C with Daniel and wait.

He sent me home.

“There’s nothing we can do but wait, so there’s no point in all of us being here. Go home to Gracie,” he told me.
