Page 11 of Shattered Dreams

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“Brad isolated me. He slowly took over my finances and removed my friends and family from my life. It took me too long to realize what he was doing and by the time I did, he was…” I swallow the lump in my throat. “He was trying to beat that last of my resistance out of me with his fists.”

“Belle, if I had known —” Cal starts, but I hold my hand up to stop him.

“You didn’t. No one did. I was embarrassed and hid it. Plus, with your schedule, we wouldn’t have seen much of each other, anyway.”

“I’m so sorry —”

“Stop. This isn’t your fault,” I say with as much finality as I can muster.

Cal looks at me for a long time before he sighs. “Fine, but we’re going to the hospital and then filing a police report. I’ll take you to get clothes on the way home.”

“Cal…” I start to argue.

“No, Belle. This needs to be on file. You need a restraining order against him,” Cal says, eyes hard. They soften a fraction before he says, “Please let me help you.”

I sigh and stand, letting my brother take my hand and lead me out of the room.

It’s amazing how quickly you can get in and out of hospitals and police stations when people of all genders want to sleep with your rockstar brother.

We went to the hospital, police station, phone store, and Target all in under three hours. I’d be impressed if I wasn’t so grossed out.

I let Cal carry in all my bags since he insisted on buying me everything I looked at or even accidentally touched. Instead of helping, I fiddle with my new phone as I walk in the door behind him.


That’s all I hear before I’m plowed into, a tuft of lilac hair in my face and sniffling coming from who it’s attached to.

“Willa,” I say with a groan. My ribs aren’t broken, but they are bruised, and her aggressive hugging isn’t helping. She steps back quickly, looking horrified.

“I’m so sorry! Kai told me about your ribs, and I forgot the moment I saw you!”

“It’s Kai’s fault you’re in my house right now?” Cal asks, only half joking.

Willa completely ignores him and hugs me again, more gently. “I hate the reason you’re here, but I’m so happy you are. I missed you so much,” she cries into my shoulder.

“I missed you too,” I tell her, tears falling from my own eyes too. For the first time in years, I feel safe and loved.

“It’s getting late, and she needs to sleep. You can visit her tomorrow,” Cal says to Willa. She shoots him a glare that would have most people peeing themselves.

“She’s not a zoo exhibit or a child. I don’t need to set up visiting hours with her,” Willa chastises. I just laugh. I missed how much they bicker.

“Willa, will you sleep with me tonight?” I ask shyly. I don’t want to be alone, but I felt weird about asking my brother to sleep in my room with me.

I haven’t seen Willa in a long time, and we’ve barely talked. Brad hated her. So instead of facing his anger, I juststopped talking to her. I’m worried she’ll be upset or think it’s strange that I want her with me.

“I’m not leaving your side, babe,” she tells me, placing a kiss on my cheek. Then she turns and sticks her tongue out at Cal before taking my hand and leading me back to my room. I laugh as I hear Cal grumble something under his breath.

“So, what’s with this outfit?” Willa asks, gesturing from my shoulders to my feet. I’m wearing khaki slacks and a powder blue blouse. “It’s giving snobby soccer mom in her forties.”

I’d laugh if I didn’t want to cry. Willa is wearing black leggings and an oversized shirt that hangs off her shoulder. It’s simple and comfy, and I wish I was wearing it. Brad would never let me dress like a “slob.”

“Uh, Brad. He didn’t like the way I dressed. His mom picked out my clothes,” I say quietly. I’m embarrassed, my cheeks are heating, and I want to hide.

“Oh, Belle. I’m sorry. I was just teasing you.”

I look at Willa and see pity there, but more strongly, I see her fire. She wants to hurt Brad just as much as Cal does. Possibly Kai too, but who knows what he feels? I know I should be appreciative that I have people in my life that love me this much, but I’m so tired. I just want to be done with everything that was my life for the last five years and figure out how to move on from it.

All the clothes and shoes I picked out today are closer to what I used to wear before I met Brad. Ripped jeans and bright shirts. Oversized hoodies that I can hide my hands in when they get cold. Funky socks and combat boots. I don’tknow if that style is me anymore, but it’s closer than what I have been wearing.
