Page 47 of Shattered Dreams

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“Google says it’s a geranium, and it means stupidity,” Willa says, gesturing to the plant with her phone.

“That seems pretty fucking accurate right now,” I say as I pace the room and run my hands through my sweaty hair.

“You’re not stupid, Belle,” Willa says, touching my arm to slow down my pacing.

“Aren’t I? I put myself in this situation. Every decision I’ve made so far has landed me here.Ichose to go to college.Isaid yes to a date and everything else with Brad.Iagreed to come on tour with you.Me, Willa. I’m more than stupid.” I plop down on the couch so hard it slides back a little.

“Did you hear from Frank yet?” Willa asks Cal. Frank is the band’s lawyer and has been handling the Brad situation for me. It’s proven to be difficult since we’re all Americans and no one has been able to prove Brad has left the states. We also can’t seem to prove the notes and flowers are from him. Since everyone I’m with is part of a famous rock band, it’s being blown off on both sides.

“Yeah. He said to just keep taking pictures of everything and sending it to him. Homeland has assured him Brad’s passport hasn’t been used to leave the country. He has a call out to Bangor PD to do a wellness check. Just to make sure he’s still there.”

I snort. Willa and Cal look at me, probably questioning my sanity. “He’s still there. His mother never leaves Maine. Which means Brad never leaves Maine. Honestly, if I found out he was still breastfeeding, I wouldn’t even be surprised.”

“That’s a disgusting image I didn’t need,” Willa says, her nose scrunched up in horror.

“You think he hired someone?” Cal asks.

“He must have. I don’t think these flowers are coming from a delivery service. It would be too easy to figure out where they came from.”

“You’re thinking pretty clearly right now. I would be freaking out,” Willa says, looking at me warily. She definitely thinks I’m going to have a mental breakdown at any moment now.

“I’m just so sick of being the victim, Willa. I will not let him bully me into submitting to him. We’ve been traveling all over the place for six weeks, surrounded by security and loads of other people. I’m not alone anymore,” I tell them, trying to convey how much I mean what I say.

“Is now a bad time to ask how your first time singing lead felt?” Cal asks, clearly wanting to change the subject.

“That reminds me. I’m going to kill you!” I say, leaping up from the couch and smacking him on the arm.

“Ow! What was that for?” he whines, rubbing the spot.

“Don’t put me on the spot like you did with the last song!”

“Oh. That. I just kind of had the idea and went with it.”

“You and Kai killed it though,” Willa offers.

“Fuck! I meant to go find Kai,” I say before running out of ourroom and into theirs.

“Hey, Belle. Everything ok over there?” Mav asks with a smile.

“I got another note and a whole damn plant,” I grumble while looking around. Mav is the only one in here.

“He went to the hotel bar already.”

“He doesn’t even like bars,” I say, like that’s going to change his location.

“I know. He said he’s getting a table. Which we know is bullshit. I think he needed a minute to himself.”

I nod and thank him.

“I’m going to the bar!” I yell as I pass my dressing room. Willa hurries after me and links her arm with mine. I didn’t bother to shower off the sweat and makeup from the show like I usually do, and I know I’m preventing Willa from doing the same. She doesn’t seem bothered by it as she walks by my side.

“Never alone, remember?”

I force a smile and continue to the bar with her.


