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There was an astonished silence, and then everyone started laughing and talking at once, and saying that of course they’d love to be a bridesmaid.

‘Right, that’s good.’ Maddy looked flushed with delight. ‘So the next thing I wanted to ask was: Will you come for a spa day at the hotel we’re thinking about booking?’

She glanced around and everyone seemed really keen.

‘As long as I can get a babysitter, I’m there,’ said Fen, stifling a yawn. ‘We’re teething at the moment so I could really do with a lazy day of pampering with my best buddies. How much is it?’

‘Well, that’s the best thing about it. It’s absolutely free.’

Ellie laughed. ‘Forallof us? How on earth did you manage that?’

Maddy gave a wicked grin. ‘Well, the hotel’s obviously desperate for our booking. That’s why they’ve offered Jack and me a cheap midweek package, including the spa. So... I sweet-talked the manager, who looked about twelve by the way, and I asked him if I could bring my bridesmaids along to enjoy the spa as well. After a bit of hedging, he agreed. Then he asked me how many extra people I’d be bringing, obviously thinking a couple of bridesmaids, three at the most. Bless him, his face when I saidseven!’

‘That’s terrible,’ said Fen, smiling and shaking her head at Maddy’s cheek. ‘The poor man.’

Maddy snorted. ‘Poor man, my arse! Do you know how much they charge for their wedding packages? An absolute arm and a leg. So excuse me if I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty wrangling a few free spa passes out of them. And let’s face it, it’ll be worth it for them in the long run when we eventually book them for our wedding reception.’

Kurt came back in at that moment and heard the tail end of Maddy’s speech.

He grinned quizzically at me and I shrugged and smiled.

‘Listen,’ he said, stirring his coffee and looking away for a moment, ‘I’ve got to go in a minute. That call was about the contract. We’re meeting at their offices in Guildford to hammerout the details. But... well, I just wondered if you’d like to help me celebrate – maybe tomorrow night?’

I raised my eyebrows. ‘What did you have in mind?’

‘All the fun of the fair?’ He grinned. ‘What can I say? Fairgrounds are my weakness. Every time I see a waltzer or a ghost train, I just have to go on it. And there’s a fair in Buntingford this week.’

I laughed. ‘Well, that’s a first. I can honestly say I’ve never had a date on a ghost train.’ I swallowed. ‘Not that it would be a date.’

His blue eyes flashed wickedly. ‘Wouldn’t it?’

‘Well, I don’t know. Would it?’

He shrugged. ‘I’d like it to be.’

‘Well... since I woke you up in the middle of the night,twice, I think the least I can do is say yes.’

‘I don’t want an apology date.’

‘It wouldn’t be.’

‘So you’re saying you’d actuallyliketo go to the fair with me? For no other reason than that you think we might have a good time?’

I smiled. ‘I think we’d have a great time.’

‘Yes!’ Grinning, he punched the air. Then he looked at his watch. ‘Look, sorry, I need to go. But I’ll call you about tomorrow night, okay?’


In a happy daze, I watched him go.

All my worries about it being too soon after Nash to start dating seemed to have evaporated into thin air. Saul would definitely approve when I told him tomorrow.

I was going on a date to the fair with Kurt!


I was getting ready for my watercolour class later, when my mobile rang.
