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Kurt had gone to the car to collect my bag, and when he came back in, Skye murmured, ‘Right, I’ll leave you to it,’ and rose toher feet. At the door, she turned and gave me a big theatrical wink.

I struggled to sit up straighter, rearranging myself on the sofa so that Kurt could sit down next to me.

He smiled. ‘I hope you realise you gave me a real shock back there.’

‘Did I?’

‘You certainly did. Promise you won’t do it again.’

‘I promise.’ I smiled at him, my heart beating faster at his nearness.

‘Thank goodness Blossom was worried enough by your phone message to locate where you were and call the police.’

‘I know. I left such a brief, garbled message. But she must have sensed that something wasn’t right.’

He nodded. ‘She said you sounded panicky and that you were whispering, so she couldn’t work out exactly what you were saying, but it seemed weird to her that you’d go on a walk with Lance when it was already dark. She was worried the police wouldn’t take the situation seriously, though. There was nothing to tell them, really, except that she thought you might be in danger. Then she remembered the friends and family locator app on her phone, and she was able to pinpoint where you were. She phoned Ada and Skye, and then me, cursing herself for being miles away in London when you needed her help.’

‘But that wasn’t her fault.’

‘Of course not. She did brilliantly, though.’

I nodded, blowing out my breath in agreement. ‘I always thought that app was a bit of a gimmick. But I’ve changed my mind now! If Blossom hadn’t been able to tell Ada and Skye exactly where I was, using the app, I dread to think what the outcome would have been.’

I shuddered and he reached for my hand. ‘Hey, don’t think about that. You’re safe and that’s all that matters now.’

‘Thank you.’ I smiled sheepishly.

‘Blossom’s been on the phone a few times, really anxious about you, but Ada’s managed to reassure her that you’ll be fine after a good sleep and you’ll give her a call tomorrow.’

‘Great. By the way, one thing’s been puzzling me. How on earth did Blossom manage to get your number to phone you?’

‘Ah, well, it was quite clever, actually. You must have mentioned to her that I was doing some work for Nash because she called him at Hardman Homes and explained the situation.’

‘Ah, right. Bright girl, my little sister.’

He nodded. ‘To give Nash his due, he was really concerned about you. He said he’d always thought there was something a bit odd about Lance but he could never quite put his finger on it. So anyway, with the directions Blossom had given us, we both hopped in our cars and drove over as fast as we could to try and find you.’

‘Thank goodness you did.’ I nodded, fighting a huge yawn of exhaustion then giving in to it. ‘Gosh, I’m so sorry. I feel as if I’ve been hit by a truck and I might just fall asleep any moment in mid-sentence.’

‘Hardly surprising, with what you’ve been through tonight. I... think I’m going to go now and let you get some sleep.’

‘Really?’ I was reluctant to let go of his hand, and it seemed he felt the same because he made no move to get up off the sofa.

We smiled goofily at each other.

‘Promise me one thing?’ he said.

‘What’s that?’

‘Well, two things, actually. First, that you’ll never let anyone lure you to the top of a waterfall and make me feel that level of panic again. And second, you’ll come out with me on a proper date.’

My heart gave a little swoop of joy. ‘You’ve got a deal. On both counts.’

‘When you’re feeling better, obviously. I mean, we don’t want you falling asleep in your fish and chips.’

I chuckled. ‘Fish and chips? Aren’t I worth something slightly more exotic than that?’

‘You are.’ He grinned. ‘Lobster, at least.’
