Page 15 of Crowns of Ice

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Outside, the guards practicing their drills in the courtyard all looked to my window warily. When another huge vibration rocked me to the side, a scream sounded faintly from down the hall.

But unbeknownst to them, these vibrations weren’t from my expelling Outlets.

A glass window shattered in a chapel across the yard.Pity. I’d rather liked that stained-glass rendition of Solisarium. But I had no doubt that window hadn’t been a random target.

Lightning abruptly zigzagged through the sky, and a crash of thunder boomed across the land.

A stone wall crashed to the ground, and more screams came.

“My prince!” Balbus’s jaw dropped when a bolt of lightning hit the ground right outside the king’s private chambers. “What in the realm is happening?”

I turned from my window and strode toward the door. “The gods are angry, Balbus. My father isn’t allowing Ilara’s end of the bargain to be fulfilled. The bargain guaranteed that she would be allowed to return to Mervalee to live in peace, and I just reminded them of that when I called for them to listen.”

My servant’s lips spread in a smile. Another terrible rocking of the castle shifted the stones beneath our feet. “That’s what you needed that old book for?”

I gave a brief nod, then jumped back when my entire bookshelf crashed to the floor, and books flew everywhere. “Correct, that spell can force the gods to listen in regards to a bargain.”

Because the bargain Ilara and I had made guaranteed she would be allowed to return to Mervalee Territory to live in peace. And by the king banishing her to the dungeons, locking her up possibly indefinitely, he’d ripped that choice away from her.

Inadvertently, King Novakin had altered what the bargain had promised my mate, but since it’d been a week since Ilara and I had completed our bargain, I’d needed to remind the gods of that. Most likely, their fickle interest had already shifted past us, but now—at last—the gods’ revenge was coming.

The tremors turned even more vicious, and Balbus gasped, his smile faltering, but I didn’t care. I welcomed the destruction of this entire palace.

Because not even a king was above the gods’ wrath, and it was time I enlightened my father to that.

In the hallway,stones were shifting beneath one’s feet, and servants were flying through the corridors, screaming and crying. Chaos was ripping through the royal castle while the rest of Solisarium remained untouched. It made it easy to get past my father’s guards.

“Balbus, check on my mother and Nuwin. Please,” I called as I strode down the hall while my servant scurried behind me.

“Of course, my prince.”

Since I couldn’t mistphase, I picked up a jog and ran the entire way to the throne room, dodging and dipping around crumbled walls and fallen pillars. When I reached the hall that led to my father’s favorite room, I didn’t even slow.

“My prince, you can’t go in?—”

I shoved aside the guard who stood at the entrance to the throne room. One of the ice doors had cracked completely, a huge jagged line cutting through the enchanted frame that kept it frozen inside the warm hall. It lay on the floor, leaving a huge gaping hole to the entrance of the throne room.

I stepped over the wreckage, satisfaction igniting inside me at the destruction.

Inside the throne room, my father was yelling at his guards and castle staff. Everyone was running about, some flying through the air even as walls shifted and glass shattered. Rockingboomsshook the walls and floors every few seconds, and more and more of the castle began to crumble.

“You shouldn’t have locked her in the dungeon, Father!” I roared from across the room. Wind whipped through the huge hall as an epic display of lightning continued outside. “You’ve angered the gods. This won’t stop until you free her.”

Fury filled the king’s eyes when he rounded on me. “You!” He pointed an accusing finger my way. The rage on his face increased when he cut a path through the room toward me.

Cracks filled the floor, and his precious throne chair sat at an odd angle on his dais. Never before had such carnage caused a manic glee to rise inside me as it did at this very moment.

“What have you done?” The king seethed when he reached me. Wildness filled his eyes. He was losing control, and he knew it.

My lips twisted in a cruel smile. “I’ve done nothing. It’syouthat has angered the gods. They’ll keep targeting you and your darling palace until you free Ilara.”

Drachu appeared at my father’s side, coming from a section of the throne room that had not yet crumbled. His dark hair was tangled and unkempt. Dust lined his forehead, and anger flashed in his eyes. “Give me my pendant, you bastard.”

I bared my teeth at him. “Never.”

The king shot forward and curled his hands into my shirt, his fingers like claws. “Stop all of thisnow.”

My brutal smile turned sharper. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to. A bargain Ilara and I made promised that she could return to Mervalee to live in peace. She fulfilled that bargain a week ago, so that promise needs to be kept, yet she hasn’t had a chance to return to Mervalee, and nowyou’vethrown her in the dungeon with no hopes of escape. No freedom. No peace. You’vecondemned her indefinitely, and the gods see that. Until you free her, this destruction will continue.”
