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Chapter One


The Grizzly Grove isn’t often dead silent, but I’m not complaining.Even though I love running the bar with my brother, Benson, sometimes a girl needs peace and quiet to do admin work.A boring but necessary task that’s perfect to do on the bar’s closing days.

Not only do we run a popular bar with special whiskeys, food, and the occasional event, but my brother and I also make supplies packages for some of the locals who live an isolated existence in the mountains.These customers love driving down the mountain and picking up one box of supplies instead of stopping at three different stores and socializing.Two times a week, we also deliver the orders to their doorstep.

I don’t mind helping them out like we do.They’re happy their needs are met swiftly and easily, and Benson and I are glad for the additional income.My brother more than welcomes the money now that he’s a single dad with a cute daughter to take care of.Thinking about how his wife abandoned him makes my blood boil, so I focus on printing out this week’s orders instead.

Benson and I work like an oiled machine.I do all the administrative stuff, like sorting and packaging the orders, and Benson delivers them in his pickup truck.I don’t mind helping him out with that from time to time.Let’s just say these mountain men are nice to look at.Even though lots of them are real grumps, they all love me like a sister and would never treat me badly.

I attach the printed-out orders to the right boxes and double-check the list once more before calling my brother.Where the hell is he?It’s already lunchtime, and if he wants to ensure everything gets delivered before sunset, he should get a move on.

I tap my fingers impatiently on the bar while the phone rings.He finally picks up after the third ring.

“Benson?Where are you?All the orders are ready to be delivered.”

“Hi, sis.I’m sorry, I should’ve called you earlier.I can’t come in today.”

“What do you mean, you can’t come in?”

He sighs.“It’s Lily.”

My heart drops at the mention of my niece.“What’s wrong with her?Are you guys okay?Should I come over?”

“Relax, sis.She’s got a fever, that’s all.I don’t want to leave her with a sitter.”

“Oh, poor thing.Why don’t I come over and watch her while you deliver the orders?”

He hesitates for a second.“Um, yeah, she only wants her daddy.But thanks for the offer.”

“I get that.So I guess I’ll be driving up the mountain then?Can I at least borrow your truck?”

“Of course.Just don’t come in and say hi.Lily’s finally asleep.”

“Okay.I guess I’ll pop in after I bring back your truck.”

“Great.Talk later, sis.”

Before I can say anything else, he disconnects the call.I feel bad for Lily.A fever is the worst.I make a mental note to grab some food for them later.Knowing my brother, he hasn’t even thought about the logistics of dinner with a sick kid.

I walk the half mile to Benson’s house and get into the truck.The keys are right where they always are—under the visor.I drive back to the bar, load the orders, and get on my way.

We usually deliver at the top of the mountain first, working our way down to the valley, but I decide to do it the other way around today.A new customer lives in one of the most isolated cabins, and I don’t want to rush when dropping off their order.I enjoy getting to know my customers and treating them like humans instead of another number or sales transaction.

My first stop is Falcon’s place.He’s one of the four Stryker brothers who run Ridgeroam Adventures.As I walk over to his porch, I wonder what it would be like to live out here instead of down in the valley.The views here are magnificent, and the smell of fir trees is nothing short of intoxicating.The silence is another big plus.All you hear are birds, the wind rustling tree leaves, and the occasional mountain lion call in the distance.

What I don’t like is how the sky is getting darker by the minute, though.I hope the weather isn’t going to suddenly change this afternoon because I hate driving in the rain, especially in the mountains.

“Hi, Sloane,” Falcon says as he opens the door.“Your brother not working today?”

I shake my head and hand him his order.“Nope.Lily has a fever.”

“Tell him I hope his little girl feels better soon.And thanks for this,” he adds, flicking his gaze to the box of supplies.

“Any time, Falcon.See you around.”

“See you, Sloane.Take care.”
