Page 20 of Toxic

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His eyes track to my lips where I have the bottom captured between my teeth. “You’re sure?” Reaching up he pulls it free replacing it with his fingers.

“I’m sure.” Whispering, I lick my tongue out swiping the firm pad of his tongue. He presses the digit into my mouth.

“I don’t know how gentle I can be. I’m not a gentle man when it comes to you. Suck.” His eyes darken when I comply. I feel his hardness hot and throbbing between my thighs.

“Tay-chan,” he groans when I rise to adjust him against my sex.

“Hisashi,” I barely have enough time to tease right after he’s pulled his thumb free and his mouth is covering me in a soul stealing kiss. My eyes roll back in my head. Undulating on his hard as fuck dick, I try to ride the storm he’s creating in me. He lets me. In fact he’s urging me on, gripping my bottom moving me so that I’m hitting his dick at the right angle with each circle of my hip.

“Yes, that’s it. Take what you need,” he whispers against my neck sucking the tender flesh in his mouth. He draws on me in strong pulls. I know he’s marking me in a way everyone can see. Why this makes me hotter and needier I don’t know. All I know is if I could get in his skin I would in that moment.

Long fingers reach between us grabbing a handful of one breast and his other hand urges me to ride harder. He takes a nipple tugging it between his thumb and forefinger then rolls.

My body shakes. The orgasm has me clutching and burying my face into his neck sobbing with the intensity of my release.

I barely catch my breath before he’s unzipped his pants, sliding my panties off, flicking them away like a gnat and is driving into my pussy with teeth snapping intensity.

“Now, it’s my turn, little dove. You’re going to learn not to give me everything I want,” he says, angling one thigh so he can drive higher, pressing our bodies closer so that he’s hitting my clit with every hard press inside of me. I can’t be made to care. It feels too good.

“It’s what I want,” I gasp as he hits my spot making stars dance behind my eyelids.

“Look. At. Me. Wife.” My eyes snap open feeling him close his hand around my throat. His teeth are gritted. Barely banked emotion akin to rage burns hot in his gaze. “See me, Tay-chan. See?—”

“Hisashi.” The harsh heavy shout of his name makes me freeze. My heart seizes. He presses his head against mine.

“Hisashi.” This time it’s said with aggrieved urgency. Our gazes meet. The message is clear as water. Don’t say shit.

Slowly he disengages. Standing, he adjusts his still painfully hard dick in his pants before turning to his brother who obviously has a key to his apartment. The only way anyone can get up here is with a key card and a fingerprint scan. Hisashi told me earlier today that he would see that I was outfitted with everything needed to have full access to his life in the next couple of days. He made it sound way more monumental than just keys and check cards though.

“Brother. I apologize for not greeting you downstairs.” He bows slightly, using tatamae letting his brother know he doesn’t welcome his intrusion.

Speaking silence is as pervasive as the smell of sex.

“I have tried calling you since noon.” Harsh words have my husband stiffening immediately. Kiyoshi’s true feelings bleed through the room by the way all politeness falls away not tatamae no, his words are cold unvarnished honne.

“Gomen-nasai.” Hisashi bows a little deeper. “What’s happened?”

The entire atmosphere has changed. Sitting up, I look over to his brother. His eyes flick over me, his jaw hardening for a moment. He inclines his head. I bow as best I can from this awkward position. My whole face heats, shame has me turning away. Hisashi’s eyes cast in my direction and his face hardens, eyes glinting onyx, face a cold emotionless mask. I almost want to jump to Kiyoshi’s defense. He doesn’t know we’re married. Me being a gold-digging slut and not good enough for his brother is probably firmly solidified in his mind.

Never have I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole more in my life.

He takes us both in and I hope he can’t see that much of me. But who am I kidding? He can see, smell, and nearly taste the sex we were just having in the air. I want to wave my finger showing him the platinum band his brother slipped on my finger and wave it like Suge Avery saying, “I’m married now.”

He closes his eyes for a moment, then presses his fingers between the bridge of his nose, exhaling. “Father is dead.” After a moment, he continues. “The wake is in an hour. Mother is only waiting long enough for us to return to the estate. Hurry.”

Hisashi pivots, heading toward the stairs to the bedroom. Taking them two and three at a time he disappears into our bedroom.

Awkward silence follows. Kiyoshi comes over to where I’m sitting. He looks around the apartment then over to me. His gaze slides to my right before his face flushes and he turns swiftly. Mygaze follows to where he was looking. Mortification explodes in my body. My eyes burn with embarrassment.

Quickly I grab the panties, balling my fist around them.

Swallowing, I stand clasping the offending object in my hands to hide them. “Maybe I should pack a bag for him.”

“Hai,” agreeing he nods not looking my way.

“I’m so sorry for your loss,” I manage. “Your dad was lovely to me.”

He turns to me then, looking at me for a moment his eyes softening for the briefest moment. “Hai, he was.”
