Page 36 of Toxic

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I stand back, watching as she takes in the room in front of her, the amethyst dress flowing around her like a sleek invitation for me to slide it off her and leave it in a puddle on the floor.

The New York skyline is on full display as we enter from the right, looking out into the entire penthouse below us. It’s like our previous loft, amped up to the thousandth degree.

There is a wall of windows facing us. We’re too high to have an open terrace, but just beyond the living room below, theenclosed garden is visible. She slowly does a full turn, taking in every modern minimalist detail of the room, the free-standing, floating library on the far left side of the bedroom, stopping when she sees the bed on a raised dais enclosed on both sides with jute rigging behind her facing the expansive wall of windows.Ten. Years.

I can feel my dick firming. Her eyes track down, seeing the evidence of my need for her. They dart to the bed — particularly the rope. I tilt my head to the side, my mouth kicking up on one side.

She steps back. “Don’t move.” Disobedient little minx does the opposite and steps back five more steps. My heart rate accelerates the moment I scent her fear and arousal.Her pussy is dripping. Hesmirks. Dirty motherfucker.

“Don’t. Move,” Enunciating, I hiss each word. I warn her. She’s only incitingHimand me. She doesn’t have a chance. Not when we’ve been such good boys for so long. We’re salivating for a taste. Ripping my jacket off I toss it in the area of the bed. Rubbing the ache in my chest I watch her eyes track me like so much prey.

“We will fuck you where you stand, little dove. But run, please run,” Hiswords growl out. She starts back peddling in a little jog. I tsk, shaking my head, waiting. Anticipation ratchets up my spine like an illicit shock, one that’s welcome. They didn’t kill this part of me, not any part really — only made me stronger. The man who claims, the samurai who conquers, the monster who hunts, the demon who devours, the husband who claims every part of his wife.

Turning, she sprints across the room, heading to the bookcases, quickly disappearing behind it. “You want to play, little dove, let’s play.” Calling after her, I throw my head back, inhaling the scent of her fear and arousal. The air is thick with it. My dick stretches hard and ready. My socked feet are a whisperon the sleek teak floor. She’s barefoot and her feet leave damp prints on my floor, leading me in her exact direction. “Oh, little dove, I thought you were cleverer than that. Come, make me work for it,” I taunt, not bothering to hide the sheer glee I feel.

There is really nowhere to hide in the open space, so I take my time. This is my lair. Like the monster that rides me within and twin serpents I wear on my skin, I stalk my prey. It’s like I can even hear her heartbeat. Just as I turn into the shelves, I see a hint of purple and track to my left darting around.

“You have nowhere to hide, Tay-chan, but I like the effort,” I praise, stepping into the dark shrouded alcove only to find the dress she hastily shimmied out of to fool me. I pull the soft fabric to my nose, inhaling the lovely fragrance of her.Delicious.

I turn at the sound of the ding.“Smart, little dove,” Hewhispers. But the elevator won’t move without a retina scan. No one will ever have access to me in that way again, not even her — especially not my dear wife, I almost spit the words. So, she has no choice but to get off and try her luck somewhere in here where the monsters lie.

I’ve been patient, more Buddhist priest than man in the years I’ve waited to claim her, watching over her, keeping her safe. I tell myself a few moments more won’t matter, but my body sings another song. It’s not sweet and melodic. More of the discordant mix of base and clashing tremble in an ever-rising cadence rising to the highest crescendo in my chest.

Grabbing the dress, I inhale her scent again letting it engulf me in her essence.

“We shall bathe in her,”Hepromises.

Closing my eyes, I groan against the ambrosia that is all her. She calls to me. Wrapping the garment around my neck, I’m ready to drown myself in her.

Striding over to the bed I almost miss her feet peeking beneath the layers of fabric. From my vantage point I shouldn’tbe able to see her beneath all black but one pretty pinky toe hits the light at the exact wrong moment but right angle.

“Noooo,” she cries out kicking the air as I drag her near naked form out from beneath my bed. The demi bra is fighting for its life as her bountiful titties jiggle and shake as she thrashes trying to no avail to grab onto the bedsheets. She manages to pull a few with her as she struggles.

“Do you want me to fuck you on the floor?” I growl, flipping her little ass over like a rag doll. Her eyes should’ve told me what was coming but slut that I am, I was distracted by a flash of pussy, so I’m unprepared for the sharp kick she gives me squarely in the solar plexus.

My breath catches as the hard kick sends me back so hard, I bang my head on the teak floor.

“Ow.” Rubbing my head, I see stars rubbing a goose egg. “I’m spanking your pussy for that when I find you,wife,” I growl.

Gingerly, I climb to my full height, heading to the sleek paneled wall behind the bed on the other side of the bookcases. Pressing the panel, the pocket door slides open, revealing the grand bathroom of the master suite. Lights mimicking daylight illuminate the room. There is a massive tub in the center, a shower along the wall with floor to ceiling windows with one-sided views for privacy. Since my involuntary commitment, I don’t like being enclosed. The feeling of being trapped makes my monster rise to protect, and once he goes into that mode, there is no stopping him.

Taking a mirror, I turn this way and that feeling the goose egg Tay-chan left me with. “Well met, little dove,” I murmur, getting an ice pack from the bath fridge along with a few aspirins. I place the compress on the little rise on the back of my head, tossing back the medicine with a quick swig of water from my filtered tap. Pride at her resourcefulness swells in my chest despite the pain she’s caused me.

“Take it out on her ass,”Hegrumbles, seeming to feel it worse than me. I take my time knowing she tucked safely up here with me. She won’t be able to find the stairs leading to the lower level unless I show her myself.

After the pain subsides, I’m back on the hunt. I retrace my steps going back to look under the bed, the closets lining the gaiken. There is a seating area alongside the bed with a very particular chair suited for pleasure. The area behind it is the perfect hiding place for a smallish, little ball of fluff.

Pretending frustration, I sit on the bed, raking my hands through my hair as if I’m at a loss as to where she can be. I know if I attempt to go downstairs, she will hide again. Standing, I walk as if I’m going back to the alcove by the bookcases.

I see a hint of movement just as I suspect. I take a few more steps in that direction before pivoting and rushing my prize.

Shoving the chair aside, I force her to track to her left. Another floor to ceiling window is to her back. Her breasts rise and fall as she takes rapid breaths. Her eyes dart around looking for escape before settling on me.

“Aht, aht, aht. I’ve caught you, little dove.”



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