Page 44 of Toxic

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“Clean your mess, Tay-chan.” I push back from the table giving her room.

Admiration floods my heart with the grace she moves to her feet.Do a better job of punishing her ass, Hehisses.Make her crawl.

Ignoring him I watch as she grabs her napkin and comes over to me. Waiting until she bends down I grip her wrist hard enough I know it will bruise. I grit, “Drop it.” In my gaze’s periphery I see the white cloth fluttering to the ground. “Sit.”

Opening the robe, my gaze drops to her exposed pussy with the vibe clamped there as she straddles me.

“Clean my face,” I demand, turning the vibe on but otherwise not moving so she’ll have to stretch her smaller curvier body against mine to reach her goal. Soft curves press tightly against me as she begins licking away the evidence of her crime.

Wet laps of her tongue glide over my forehead, trailing down my jaw. My chin follows then up the other side. She moans as she reaches mid-jaw when I increase the pressure. As she gets close enough to reach my hairline, she’s grinding her hot little pussy against me. She grasps my shoulders when she reaches my eyelids. A whimper escapes when her tongue slides along the ridge of my nose. She nips the tip before settling on my lips. She swipes my top lip, then sucks the bottom into her mouth.

Decreasing pressure, I claim her lips as my prize. “You’re so wet for me, little dove.” Her pussy is like a furnace pressed against me. She’s soaking my joggers and I love it. My dick is wedged against her heat. She moves tangling her fingers in my hair her nails little daggers on my scalp. I almost react negatively but remind myself it’s her holding me not someone trying to punish me for being neurodivergent. I lose myself in her taste and touch for the moment.

“Damn,” I groan, pulling back looking down in those eyes that make promises but hold nothing but snares for one such as me. “You almost make me forget what this is about.” I shake my head more at myself than her.

She has the fucking nerve to soften more cupping my cheek. “Would that be so bad?” She swallows, her vulnerability on display as unabashedly as her anger was moments before.

“Get the fuck off me, Taylor,” I bite out, my heart hammering like I’ve run a fucking race. I want to leave more than I want to eat or fuck and that’s saying something for a man who’s getting pussy for the first time in ten years.

She defies me again resting her head on my chest. “Okay, let me catch my breath.” She stays longer than she should. I can’t tell if she’s doing it on purpose, but I almost jettison her ass across the garden when she moves to get up but nuzzles and kisses my neck instead.

My erection is painful and insistent when she brushes it on her way back to her seat. She has her own tricks it seems. I’m so tempted to keep edging her as punishment. The need to make her eat supersedes my pettiness at the moment. Once she takes her seat more food is brought out. Lamb for me and shrimp for her because I know she doesn’t like the meat.

The steaming plates sit before us. Opting out of talking more about my day, I allow us to pass the rest of the meal in relative silence. My silence is two-fold to give her a false sense of security that I am done with her and to make sure she eats every bite. I don’t care if she’s lost weight though I love her curves. I just don’t want her being here the reason she’s lacking nutrition. She is mine to keep. Mine to care for. I won’t fail this time.

I learned later the state Kiyoshi found her in after breaking into his encrypted data on the situation. The noxious shame I feel to this day cannot be pardoned by not even Taylor. It is a dishonor I shall carry with me the rest of my life. Does that absolve her abandonment and what followed? No. But it is the main reason she still breathes. She should have never been allowed to be put in that situation. Still her vows meant something to me even if they meant fuck all to her. And for that I will have her face.

“When are you going to let me get back to my life?” She asks, lying her fork down after taking a few polite bites of her food.

“I don’t know— probably never.” Cavalierly I answer lying my fork beside my own plate, tossing the napkin down on the food and standing.

I hold my hand out. She ignores it attempting to step around me.

Snatching her ass back I gather her by the cascade of curls at her nape, holding her throat as I drag her recalcitrant form back to my chest.

“I will dog walk your ass the rest of the time I’m here if you insist on being a naughty little slut.” Shaking her for good measure, I growl, “Is that clear?”

Jerkily she nods. “Now. Take. My. Fucking. Hand.” She stumbles with my abrupt release but places her hand in mine.

She’s not looking at me, but I can sense the fire in her. “I just want to go home.”

Pulling her around to face me, I bare my teeth at her demanding, “Okay let’s think about how that will play out. You go back to your apartment in New York with me mere floors above you, watching over you and this time you know about it. Then knowing the nights you don’t have night terrors I was there with you climbing all over my dick? Or did you think this would be over? That I’d just abandon you like you did me?”

Shaking her head she tries to step back but I won’t let her. “You have to let me go. You have to stop this.”

“If you try to leave me, I will destroy everything you think you love. Everyone you know, everything you have ever touched will be burned to the fucking ground and I will make you watch.” Watching as she swallows against the truth of my words, I wait for her to challenge me more.

Nothing. Her eyes remain bruised with the hurt my words cause, yet she says nothing.

“Take off the robe and get in the bed.” Releasing her, I step back to give myself a moment.

“What did you think she’d do? Fold after one night in New York? Stick to the plan.”Helaughs.

“Shut the fuck up,” I mutter, stalking into the room.

Methodically, I retrieve long ropes of jute, dropping them at the foot of the bed. Looking at her prone form, the anticipation and desire to tie her up dissipates along with her desire to leave me. Why this deters me making my heart feel heavier than it didwhen I discovered her gone, I shove down into the deep recesses of my being not evenhecan access, not wanting to deal with it.

Allowing my eyes to rake over her, I take in all the markings I took so much pleasure in visiting on her body in New York. Many of them are fading. Soon it will be like I was never there. Which is why I intend to leave a deeper mark on her soul just like the one I bear that she left me with. I ache for her. I’ve wept for her. I’ll be damned if I stop before she does the same for me. She will bear my marks — body and soul I will fill her to overflowing with my seed. Every time she moves she will feel me in the deepest recesses of her body. It’s only fair for she lives rent free in my mind. Am I not to have some recompense? It is not the way of the Takeda to let such a thing go unanswered.

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