Page 12 of Worship Me

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“It was worth a shot.” She sighed, looking toward the forest. I could only imagine what she saw. I knew of Earth, but I’d spent no more than minutes there. The damage humans had done to the world was atrocious, and the concrete cities grated on my senses. It wasn’t a world for me.

A wicked thought crossed my mind, one I shouldn’t have given into, but I couldn’t resist. I had to see how she responded ...

Moving faster than she could track, I grabbed her hand that held the knife and broke her grip. The blade slipped through her fingers, hitting the dead leaves with a dull thud. Then I used my hold to spin her around, so her back was pressed to my chest with my arm braced across her upper body. Using my other hand, I reached between us to snatch her opposite hand and pull it behind her back, causing her top half to push into the arm across her chest while her ass leaned back into me.

My fingers were hard enough to bruise.

“Word to the wise, peacock. Never threaten a god in their own realm.”

Instead of fear, the scent of arousal reached me. The wildness in me howled.

“First, my name is Adora. Ah-door-uh. Say it with me.”


She twisted her neck to look up at me from over her shoulder. “For a ‘god-king’ that takes his duty so seriously, you’re rude.”

I blinked. “Fine. Adora.”

She smiled. While beautiful, it was also wicked. “Second, don’t threaten me with a good time.”

Her ass thrust back, purposely brushing over my half-hard length. I went rigid as stone instantly. I lowered my head to put my lips at the hollow of her ear. “Do. Not. Ever. Do. That. Again.”

She lifted an eyebrow, perhaps testing if I was joking. I wasn’t. Upon realizing that, she rolled her eyes and straightened up. Just when I was going to let her go, she stomped down on my right foot. My breath hissed between my teeth. Adora threw her head back, breaking my nose.

I cursed, shoving her forward as she tried to kick me in the knee.

She fell and the vines encircling the tree wrapped around her ankles to form shackles, holding her in place as I reset my nose.

“Hey! How’d you do that?”

“God, remember?” I grunted.

“As if I could forget,” she replied scathingly. “Word to the wise, Entitled One. It’s an asshole move to feel a girl up and then gaslight her when she gives you the go-ahead.”

I growled.

This fucking woman.

Shaking my head, I turned away, taking a moment to gather myself.

Three days if we made good timing, four if not. That’s all I had to endure. Then I’d have Flora and Fauna back, my soul’s twin animals. Without them, I’d been losing my mind. If they died, I would truly go mad—and the call of the wild that enslaved my people would be permanent.

“The journey to Atlantis isn’t far. That’s where your family is. If everyone can simply keep to themselves, then we won’t have an issue.”

“Right.Atlantis. That makes sense.”

The tone of her voice filled me with exasperation. It was the last thing I needed when I’d be handing her over to them soon enough.

“Is there a prob—” I broke off at the sound of ripping. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Now naked, she sat on the forest floor hacking at her clothes with her knife. “It was freezing in Portland and it’s like a sauna here. I’m not going anywhere dressed in jeans and long sleeves.”

“How’d you get out of the vines?” One quick look told me she hadn’t cut them.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she said, “Shifter, remember?”

Warm golden-brown skin acted as the flame. I was the moth.
