Page 13 of Worship Me

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I swallowed harder than expected and walked away.

We couldn’t do this.Icouldn’t do this. Not again.

She’d tried to seduce me before. Was it possible she knew more than she was letting on? That she remembered? I couldn’t be sure how much she retained from her past because I’d never known her like this—

“I’m ready.”

In a very rehearsed manner, I appraised the newly cutoff jean shorts and makeshift tank top. The sleeves, she’d used to create fingerless gloves. It was smart given the rough terrain we would cross.

She tapped away on a small electronic device.

“That won’t work here.”

She looked up, closing the device. “Obviously.” With a wistful look, she walked toward the portal and tossed it through.

Adora must have read the confusion on my face.

“I left letters. While I wasn’t sure when it would happen, I knew I would cross, eventually. Anyway, my sister won’t stop looking for me. She’d send our entire House through that portal to wage war if she thought I was kidnapped.”

“Your House?”

“It’s like a pack, only larger. Houses can have multiple packs, and it’s how we govern—that’s not important. The point is, I left a message on my phone, so she knows I’m okay. Assuming it makes it back through, she’ll find it.” Her lips pressed together; eyes tight around the corners.

“I didn’t know you have a sister,” I said.

She shrugged. “That’s surprising. You act like you know everything.”

I wasn’t sure what to say.

What I did know was this version of her wasn’t feral or unhinged. She wasattached. Loved. Accepted.

Somehow that seemed worse.



My feet ached.Sweat dripped down my chest, running in rivulets over my cleavage. Had I known where I was going or what exactly I’d be doing, I would have packed a bag with snacks, water, and rope.

The latter was good for any number of things.

Traps. Suffocation. Climbing. Sex ...

My dream came to mind, much as I tried to push it away. I ran my tongue along the edge of my teeth, swallowing down the humid air.

The god-king walked ahead, giving me an unobstructed view of his taut ass in leather pants. How he managed to wear them in this sort of heat confounded me. Probably another god power, if I had to guess. He didn’t seem to break a sweat even after hours of walking. The thin white shirt clung to the generous muscle around his shoulders but wasn’t damp or sticky. Unlike me.

His wild, dark hair was pulled back from his face and tied with a strip of leather. Symbols peeked out of the collar of his shirt, but I couldn’t make them out.

Pan was a curiosity I would have had no qualms about taking to bed, but the arrogant asshole liked to tease and then turned me down.

I could take no for an answer. I neither cared enough nor was so insecure as to let it bother me.

It was thereasonthat weighed on me.

He hadn’t simply refused. He’d reacted vehemently.

Aggressive to the point that it was irrational.
