Page 2 of Since Always

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“So, is she coming?” Holden asks as we start making our way down the street.

“I don’t know,” I reply sullenly. “Maybe.”

“Well, that’s better than a straight no,” he muses.

“I didn’t really give her a chance to say no.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Ford asks as we all pile into my truck.

“The plan is to get her to our house and spend some time with her,” Holden interjects. “We all know her well enough to know we need to take this slow.”

“Knew her,” I say.

“Meaning?” they both ask at the same time.

“It’s been seven years. Things change and people change.” I sound sullen even to my own ears.

“We’ve asked around town. She’s single,” Ford says.

“That’s not what he meant,” Holden says while looking out the window. “What Dax is saying is that we may have lost our window.”


“What do you mean no, Ford?” I ask while waiting for the light to change. “We knew it was a possibility when we came back.”

My heart hurts just thinking about it. In high school, we all knew that we wanted Blair. She is the perfect girl for the three of us. The problem back then was the fact that she was too young. So, we joined the army and served our country. None of us expected to be away for seven damn years but it is what it is. Now we’re back and it may be too late.

I rub at the center of my chest. The thought of not being able to have the girl all three of us have been in love with for years is enough to cause physical pain.

“I mean,” he says as he casually sits back in the passenger seat, “that I saw the way she looked at you. A blind man could have seen that.”

“Being physically attracted to someone is fine,” Holden points out. “But that doesn’t mean she wants to spend the rest of her life with the three of us. Or even one of us,”

It would kill me if she only wanted one of us, but we agreed to do whatever made her happy. We spent many nights talking about her, putting our dreams and desires into words. We already discussed what would happen if she couldn’t accept the three of us as a unit. None of us would stand in her way if she chose only one of us but the dream is to have her as ours. To love. To cherish.

The rest of the drive home is done in uncomfortable silence as we each digest the fact that this may not go the way we have planned for years.

Chapter Two


Standing in front of the mirror in nothing but a towel, I stare at my reflection. My mind jumps back and forth with indecision. Should I go to the barbeque or not? I’ve always longed to be invited to something like this, but fear has me wanting to crawl into bed and sleep until Monday. Maybe I should just forget about the offer? Why would he invite me anyway?

My thoughts are scattered as my cell rings in the quiet of my home. Lex, my cat, gives me the side eye from his spot in the center of my bed as I stare at the screen without answering. Dax. His name flashes across the screen. Taking a deep breath, I answer before it can stop ringing.

“Hello?” it comes out as a question even though that isn’t what I intended.

“Hey pretty girl.” His husky voice caresses my ear.

I don’t reply. Hell, I’m not even sure I’m breathing.

“Blair?” he asks. “Are you there?”

“Yes,” I say in a whisper.

“What’s wrong?” He asks sounding concerned.

