Page 3 of Since Always

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“Maybe I can help,” Dax replies.

“I don’t know what to wear,” I reply. Apparently, I’ve made up my mind in the last twenty seconds and I will be going to the barbeque.

“Well, that’s easy,” he chuckles. “What are you wearing now? I’m sure it will be perfect.”

“A towel,” I blurt out. My cheeks instantly flame in embarrassment. I do not know how to do any of this, especially not with him.

“Fuck,” Dax says lowly.

I hear a scuffle in the background before a new voice speaks into my ear.

“Hi, Blair. It’s Holden. Just wear whatever you’re comfortable in. It’s just a couple of friends having a beer or two so no need to dress up.”

“Okay,” I croak out.

“We’ll see you in an hour,” Holden replies before ending the call.

What the heck am I supposed to do for an hour? I never take that long to get ready. The message that Dax sent earlier says six o’clock and it’s twenty minutes to six now. They are probably used to women who take forever to get ready, but I’ve never been that girl.

Dropping my cell on the vanity I open my cupboard while I gather all the courage I have. I am going to go. I am going to welcome them all back home and enjoy my night. I might even have fun.

* * *


We all stood in the lounge as Dax called Blair. We couldn’t hear the conversation because we didn’t want to invade her privacy by having her on speaker phone without her knowing, but both Holden and I instantly saw the change in Dax’s demeanor.

I have no idea what she said to him but he was gripping his phone so hard I think it may have cracked. After finally getting it out of his hand Holden finished the conversation while Dax sat on the couch with his head in his hands.

“What did she say to you?” I ask when he seems to have finally calmed down.

“She couldn’t decide what to wear.” He looks up at the two of us. “I asked what she was wearing because I was sure it would be perfect no matter what.” He stops and rubs his hand down his face. “She wasn’t wearing anything. Just a towel.”

“Shit,” Holden hisses. “And she just said it like that.”

“I don’t think she meant to,” Dax says. “But now I can’t think of anything else.”

“Agreed,” I say as I rub my temples.

“Well,” Holden says. “We need to take a breath and be on our best behavior tonight. Put it out of your mind.”

“Easier said than done.”

Chapter Three


“Stop being a wuss,” I say loudly to myself as I sit inside my car.

I’ve been parked in the driveway of the address Dax sent me for the past five minutes. There are a couple of other vehicles parked in the street but this spot was available. Lucky for me because sitting down the street, in my car, in front of some stranger’s house might have made me look like a complete psycho.

Instead, I get to sit here feeling like a total loser.

The passenger side door opens and I catch a whiff of woodsy cologne before turning to see who it is getting into my little red Volkswagen Beetle Holden smiles from beside me.

“I thought I would join you,” he says with a chuckle.

“Huh?” It’s like I lose the capacity to form words around these men. They strip me of all thoughts and words and I blush brightly at my stupidity.
